Dont buy ground turkey or chicken! -Make it

Want a healthier way to eat ground turkey and chicken? If you have a food processor it is possible. Buy the chicken or turkey breast, it cost a lil more but is better for you. Do you really know every part that is ground up when you buy ground turkey from the store? If you do it your self you know exactly what it is.

-slice into chunks and place in food processor
-add some seasoning and very small amount of extra virgin olive oil
-pulsate just until its ground

Then cook like you usually would. Notice that you won't see any extra liquid once you've cooked it. Its totally fresh with out extra fat to drain.


  • shnnd19
    shnnd19 Posts: 90 Member
    that is a good idea, I will have give it a try.
  • lethwin
    lethwin Posts: 18 Member
    Good idea. Next time Im in the mood for a turkey burger I'll give it a try.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    -slice into chunks and place in food processor
    -add some seasoning and very small amount of extra virgin olive oil
    -pulsate just until its ground

    thanks for the idea!
  • tinyliz
    tinyliz Posts: 38 Member
    If you do this with a burger it may not be as juicey so you might just want to stick with the store ground turkey. If might be too dry making it with the turkey breast.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    duh, smacks head! I am going to do this tonight for tacos. Your the best:drinker:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    or an egg........or some olive oil. I did it with sirloin and it made the best tacos EVER......mmmmmmmmmm even made my own taco seasoning sans the monosodiumgludimate