Calorie intake?

Hey guys, so I just turned 18 years old. Im 5'4 and 125 pounds. My goal is to be 115 preferably before summer. I have a bmr just over 1600 and I'm currently eating 1200 calories a day. Right now, I don't do much excersise besides walking home from school 4 days a week (30 min walk) . I've been doing okay on 1200 calories for the past couple weeks but I'm starting to notice that I'm getting hungry. I'd like to lose 1 pound a week but if I eat more than 1200 calories I won't achieve my goal of 1 lb a week. What should I do about my calorie intake?


  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Hey guys, so I just turned 18 years old. Im 5'4 and 125 pounds. My goal is to be 115 preferably before summer. I have a bmr just over 1600 and I'm currently eating 1200 calories a day. Right now, I don't do much excersise besides walking home from school 4 days a week (30 min walk) . I've been doing okay on 1200 calories for the past couple weeks but I'm starting to notice that I'm getting hungry. I'd like to lose 1 pound a week but if I eat more than 1200 calories I won't achieve my goal of 1 lb a week. What should I do about my calorie intake?

    You should shoot for half a pound a week. 1 pound a week is not realistic when you only have 10 pounds more to go.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    you are misunderstanding BMR. You need to be eating more, that is why you are hungry. Check out these two links:

    If the natural difference between your TDEE and BMR don't allow you to lose weight a a rate that you want to solely from a dietary calorie restriction, the only other thing you can do and still be healthy is to exercise and not eat back the calories or only eat back a portion. Just make sure you are actually eating enough to get in the proper nutrients, as prescribed in the first link.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    Which calculator did you use to get a BMR of 1600?? The highest I could get for you using a few different calculators was 1408. I ask because I'm the same height as you, 23 years old, 116lbs and 1600 is above my TDEE.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Why do you want to lose 1 pound a week if you only want to lose 10 pounds by summer? Lower your settings to .5 pound per week, and eat those calories and about half of your exercise calories.

    I calculated your BMR using the Scooby calculator, and it said 1477. I'd start eating at least that much. You won't lose 1 pound a week, but you won't be as hungry either.
  • robbimoraes4
    But if my bmr is 1477 and I eat that same amount in calories, wouldn't I be maintaining my weight rather than losing? I'm so confused.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    But if my bmr is 1477 and I eat that same amount in calories, wouldn't I be maintaining my weight rather than losing? I'm so confused.

    BMR = basal metabolic rate. This is the amount of calories they would feed you if you were in a coma.

    TDEE = BMR + the amount you need for daily life and everything you do = also called "maintenance".

    For healthy weight loss, and only 10 pounds to go, you should be eating at about TDEE - 10%.

    My Fitness Pal is not a TDEE calculator. It estimates your BMR, plus daily activities (but not including exercise). Then it takes off a flat amount of calories based on how many pounds per week you choose to lose. Choosing a too aggressive goal will give you too few calories to eat.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    But if my bmr is 1477 and I eat that same amount in calories, wouldn't I be maintaining my weight rather than losing? I'm so confused.

    Your BMR is the number of calories your body burns to maintain organ function, like breathing, digestion, etc. if you were in a coma. Assuming you actually get out of bed and do something during the day, like regular life activity (talking, walking, showering, working, or whatever) you are burning more than 1477 calories.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    So lets back up just a few here. So the question is what should you do about your caloric level because you are hungry eating under your caloric maintenance?
  • robbimoraes4
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member

    Make sure you are not too far under your caloric maintenance. Understand that BMR is not "maintenance". Make sure you understand MFP's method and that you set a reasonable calorie goal.

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