Anyone tried the 17 Day Diet or any great diet?

I have been completely OFF TRACK!! Before the holidays I went to the doctor because my foot was sore only to find out I had a fracture and had to wear a boot for 8 weeks and NO WORKOUT! Then the holidays came and I didn't really over do it but I did gradually with people bringing in deserts on my job and holiday parties and myself cooking and baking! I just want to get BACK ON TRACK! Has anyone tried the 17 day diet? What are your thoughts?


  • karen2628
    karen2628 Posts: 12 Member
    I started the 17 day diet today. I have several friends that have recommended it.

    The first cycle is restrictive so, I consider it kind of like a detox- getting rid of the bad eating habits quickly. I have 50 pounds to lose and have several health issues so a radical change to my eating will be good. From what I've read and heard.... the 17dd can have quick weight loss which helps with motivation. It looks to be a balanced eating plan once cycle 1 is done. I like the way that it is set up with cycle 3 being a maintenance phase with a list of foods that I can see myself eating without feeling like I'm missing out.

    My friend told me to weigh myself and take measurements on day one which I did and then to not weigh myself until day 17. She lost minimal weight (but she only had 5 pounds to lose) however, all of her measurements decreased by 2" IMPRESSIVE. I have a tendency to obsess and if I don't feel I'm losing weight as I should I will throw in the towel. I think by focusing on completing each day on plan and making that my goal that I will be successful....seriously I can do this for 17 days!
  • imaccountable4me
    imaccountable4me Posts: 10 Member
    I am following cycle one of the 17 day diet right now for the second time. I too had some personal stresses that resulted in my losing focus for a few months and have gained some weight back. As the other post states cycle one is really restrictive so be prepared. What I did find though is that with each passing day I felt more in control of my food choices and less anxious about what I couldn't eat. I also found that within the first week any cravings for bread, sugar, night time eating reduced significantly. (although what I wouldn't give for a piece of bread right now) This also made my transition to counting calories and trying to eat a balanced diet easier once cycle 1 and 2 were done. I feel I have a better relationship with all food now than I did before. I also think it is helpful not having to worry as much about portion control during this stage. You just have to focus on eating the correct foods. If you do 17 and track on MFP though be prepared that most days you will come in under calories. Unless you eat an entire chicken you will find it pretty hard to fill my calorie goal. Given it is only 17 days I've decided to not worry about the theory of starvation mode until this cycle is done and ignore the little message that I am eating too few calories when I complete my log for the day. :) My results are probably not typicall but I have lost over 9 lbs in the first 8 days. (water weight I'm sure) From past experience this will not last. The first time I did this I had about 100 lbs to lose total and I lost about 17lbs in the first cycle and another 7 or so in the second. I also am one of those daily weigh in people so I see not problem if you want to weigh yourself more often. As with any program, your success will depend on having your head in the game and really wanting to succeed. Good luck to you whatever you do.
  • ariella72
    I'm trying out the 17 Day Diet. I read through the book- (I'm seeing 4 stages.) and I like how it gradually gets you to eating "normal" again, but hopefully building good habits that will keep me on track for the long-haul. I am about 50 pounds over what I was most of my adult life until kids started stressing me out big time. I started the diet six days ago and followed it mostly, but found I couldn't give up my daily Dove chocolate. Yesterday was what should have been day five, I was three pounds down, but started eating "normal" again. So today is day 1 again, and this time I'm doing no chocolate. :) I think it is a great diet, I haven't been hungry at all, just have to suck up eating no chocolate for a few months. :)
  • suchastruggle
    suchastruggle Posts: 55 Member
    I started the 17 day diet on Monday, 1/13. So far, no problems. I haven't been hungry until it's time for a snack or lunch or dinner. I haven't read the whole book yet, but from what I've read of cycles 1 and 2, it really does sound like it is designed to help you learn how to eat as you work your way back to eating kind of everything by cycle 4 - just in moderation. I really thought I would have had some "carb withdrawal" headaches, but none so far. Maybe because this isn't really so very low carb - just not processed carbs. Right now, the only things I kind of miss are the things I would tend to overdo anyway - peanut butter and cheese. Perhaps having to go easy on those things for the next couple of months will help me learn to enjoy them without having entirely too much. I have been logging my food to see how the macros come in and how many calories I'm having a day. Even though a couple of days were pretty low, I haven't been hungry. Feel free to friend me if you'd like and we can do this together. :smile:
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    been under lots of stress and holidays have gained some weight. I am rereading the book and will start next week after over the flu and get to the store.
  • tabithalmcm
    Hi Karen,

    Just checking in to see how things are going for you with regard to the 17 day diet. I think your day 17 was 2/2, right? Please fill me in.:smile:
  • tabithalmcm
    Thank you for sharing your experience. I plan to start this plan on the 10th of Feb. :)
  • tabithalmcm
    Thanks for sharing! I will struggle with giving up ice cream.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,669 Member
    One doesn't need to diet for successful weight loss. One just needs to ensure they don't over consume calories beyond their TDEE.
    Diets don't last. That's why the average person does about 7 of them in their lifetime. It's more important to just being steadfast on how much you're consuming. Do make sure to get in your correct macros/micros and if there's room left over calorie wise, eat whatever you want to fill it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • tabithalmcm
    MFP Family! I just wanted to share that after many questions, lots of reading and self-preparation, I've FINALLY started the 17 Day Diet...YAY!!!
    I will keep you guys posted on my success!! Yes I am claiming success!!
  • tabithalmcm
    17 day diet update: I started Monday 2/17 and am down 1.6 lbs. on 2/19. I had a slip-up yesterday when the delivery guy delivered 1 dozen Sheri's Berries :love: to the house :embarassed: . Seriously, who can resist premium strawberries dipped in gourmet chocolates? BUT I only had 2 :tongue: which is a HUGH difference compared to the fact that I probably would have eaten at least 5. :bigsmile:
  • fostertlu
    fostertlu Posts: 2 Member
    It has worked well for me. I'm down 7 lbs and it couldn't have been easier. However, when I go skiing, I need more food - especially protein. I've started making protein powder almond milk shakes after I exercise. It is possible to track this on MFP (all the protein powders are listed).
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I've got a great one!

    It's called count calories, and eat less than your TDEE to lose weight. I hit my protein goal, my fat goal, eat whatever I like... and lose weight.

    Best part, it's FREE.

    Nope. No coaches, no spam, no garbage, and the only money I spend is on food. You know, real.. good... tasty food. No restrictions.
  • HawkeyeTy
    HawkeyeTy Posts: 681 Member
    I've got a great one!

    It's called count calories, and eat less than your TDEE to lose weight. I hit my protein goal, my fat goal, eat whatever I like... and lose weight.

    Best part, it's FREE.

    Nope. No coaches, no spam, no garbage, and the only money I spend is on food. You know, real.. good... tasty food. No restrictions.

    But, you've only lost 153lbs, what do you know??????
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I've got a great one!

    It's called count calories, and eat less than your TDEE to lose weight. I hit my protein goal, my fat goal, eat whatever I like... and lose weight.

    Best part, it's FREE.

    Nope. No coaches, no spam, no garbage, and the only money I spend is on food. You know, real.. good... tasty food. No restrictions.

    But, you've only lost 153lbs, what do you know??????
    I know how to copy/paste on the forums and piss people off... I think.

    edit: and I was REALLY good at being fat.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    About two years ago, I started the 65-year diet... Give or take a few years.

    Cuz I realized that I don't want a quick fix. I want a new life I can love. But don't trust me... Trust Trog... That dude knows!
    Good luck!
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    20 months ago, I started the "I Just Want a Healthy Body" program. It's kind of hard work. I have to meet my calorie goal every day and I have to work to meet my protein and fat macros. Talk about details!! Also, I've had to start picking up heavy stuff and putting it down about 3x a week. I developed a few callouses on my hands from that barbell! Good grief!

    One of the side effects of the IJWAHB program, is that I no longer binge. What's up with that??? Man, I used to be able to knock back the cookies! Another one is that I can no longer sit on the sidelines of my life. That used to be real cushy. Now I'm actually running. AND nobody is chasing me with a gun.

    Good luck with your 17 days. If you ever decide that you want to put in some hard work and make your body the healthiest and best it can be? Someone on MFP will gladly show you the way. :flowerforyou: