The Weight The Cannot Be Lost

Every bride wants to look her best for her wedding. Everyone wants to look their best for the beach. When your wedding is on the beach, you want to look THE BEST EVER!

I have always been a healthy and active person. I am no health nut as I enjoy the occasional ice cream and french fry but I do eat 3 healthy meals a day. Several months before the wedding I was dieting and working out 5 days a week, sometimes double workouts (usually just the added activity of long walks with my dog). I did not have a big weight loss, mostly a big fat loss.

After we returned from the wedding, I started working 6 to 7 days a week and had no time to work out. I know it is typical for a body to resource to stored fat when you go from such an extreme amount of working out to nothing. I was on my feet 3 days a week, 4+ hours a day, working (the rest at a desk). But since the wedding 3 months ago, I have only lost about 2 of the pounds I gained. I weight more now than I did before I worked out for the wedding. I cannot seem to find a good balance anymore between diet and exercise. I have no health issues that would keep the weight on, just frustration! Anyone have any advice for getting rid of a sudden weight gain like this?