What will you be doing when you hit your goal?

Lithuria Posts: 132
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
When I'm feeling a little poor in the motivation department, I just think of the wonderful new wardrobe I'll be getting when I loose weight :D I'm so big now that only a couple of shops cater to my size and boy don't they know it, but I can't wait till I'm able to go into Primark for my clothes and pick up something dirt cheap but still gorgeous to wear for maybe just that one special night out ^_^ I can't do that now because everything costs so much in my size, and if I'm going to spend the money I really need to be able to justify it for more than just one or two occasions!

What does everyone else focus on when they're feeling low on motivation?


  • My massage I've been promising myself.

    And a new pair of jeans! :tongue:
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I think about nights out looking good and not being paranoid about my body infront of the b/f.

    I love primark, so cheap, my entire wardrobe is Primark. There are some shops that only go up to a 14 and then they are tiy, would love to be able to buy from there.
  • going beyond my goal! and SHOPPING for new clothes of course!
  • As a guy, I seem to focus on the same thing whether I'm high or low on motivation so I don't know if that helps you very much. Lol! Actually, when I am low on motivation to stay the course and lose the weight, there is one thing that does help me regain my desire and that is a hard workout, either strength or elliptical or both.

    As to what will I do when I hit my goal.... I will modify my workouts to maintenance levels and count the calories with MFP. I may allow myself a little more leeway on what I will eat (breads, potatoes, deserts) but the scale will never be far. As I may spend less time working out once I achieve my goal, I plan to pursue my other hobbies such as woodworking, model trains, r/c planes, etc. One hobby I will not pursue however is eating ice cream while watching TV

    Oh...one other motivator that might help you..... Just Google search "People of Walmart" and check out the pictures you see there. In most cases I think you are seeing people who lost motivation in many ways long ago in their lives.
  • I'll be taking all my larger lady clothes to the charity recycling bin and then I'll shop til I drop! I want to wear skinny jeans tucked into high boot with slinky little tops that aren't flowing and designed to cover my backside. I want to walk down the street knowing I look as good as I can possibly be. Oh and I'll book next year's holiday to somewhere hot and sunny, secure in the knowledge my body will be bikini fit (instead of wearing a swimsuit and sarong combo like this year) I'll also have some family photographs taken that include me.
  • If you are feeling low on motivation, you should go do something nice for yourself. Over my journey, I've definitely had lots of times that I've lost my motivation! And there were points that I almost let that derail me completely. Now, I can tell when I'm getting burnt out and frustrated and I go do something nice - for me! Go buy yourself something beautiful to wear - just because you aren't at your "goal weight" doesn't mean you shouldn't feel good about yourself right now!!! Don't put off living and taking care of yourself until you reach a size 2 - or you are going to have a lot of neglect to make up for when you get there!
  • planning a trip to Cancun with the hubs!
  • I'm going to buy a swimsuit and learn how to swim because my boyfriend wants to go to Hawaii or the Bahamas and I always said no because I couldn't swim and wouldn't be caught dead in a swimsuit. I cannot wait!!!
  • I'm gunna wear sweet dresses and levi's all the time. also go running and hiking etc.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I've just gotten to the point where Im shopping in the "regular" stores as Im a perfect size 14 right now . . . that has given me a real boost lately. I actually just bought a dress at a consignment boutique this week for an event this weekend and was reluctant to try it on as it is fairly "form fitted" and looked like a very small size 14. It zipped up like a dream and looked as it it was made for me! I will carry around that "high" for a few weeks now . . . ha ha.
    I have found that when I got really dedicated to this journey and saw a consistent loss each week of 1 or 2 pounds that kept my motivation to do it again the next week. As a result I've steadily lost each week, little by little.
    During the last number of months I've had a lot of celebrations and events to attend or plan. My husband and I have completely stuck to our "food plan" as we both agree that our relationship with food has changed. For instance, today is our 10th anniversary and instead of going out somewhere to eat things we shouldn't I visited the butcher yesterday and picked up two little rib eye steaks for dinner. I will pair these with some steamed asparagus and sauteed mushrooms for our special dinner. We have changed our outlook now and realize that the celebrations in life are about the "day" and not about the food.
    Im realizing that every little "good choice" I make helps to motivate me to continue with this lifestyle change, we will NEVER go back to where we once were . . . and that feels pretty darn good!
  • mekhala
    mekhala Posts: 123 Member
  • I'm going to put on a pair of 4" heels and a completely inappropriate dress and strut around the house until I annoy everybody in it.
  • I'm going to put on a pair of 4" heels and a completely inappropriate dress and strut around the house until I annoy everybody in it.

    Most definately this. And finally get my tattoo!!!!
  • I'm going to put on a pair of 4" heels and a completely inappropriate dress and strut around the house until I annoy everybody in it.

    I love it, mind if I steal your idea? :D
  • StephieWheats
    StephieWheats Posts: 88 Member
    My husband and I are planning a second honeymoon. Only this time we will be skinny! He refers to it as our "skinny honeymoon"! We also have set small goals and rewards along the way to keep us motivated

    25 pounds- new running shoes
    50- new purse
    75- new nail polish collection
    100- new tattoo
    125- Trip somewhere with the hubby
    150- New workout clothes (by then I will need them)
    175-New tattoo
    200-New wardrobe
    Goal- Skinny Honeymoon with the hubby!!!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I hope to be at goal or close to it by next august in time for my 20th honeymoon. On our honeymoon we went to monterey and spent most of the time at the beach and the aquarium, I would like to redo this. Oh what fun and something to look forward to and of course I will need to buy some cute clothes and a new swimsuit to take with us. I also have small goals along the way that I will reward myself
  • There are many things i want to do when I hit my goal weight. Number one would be a new wardrobe of course..But more than anything I want to get out and do things I have never done before, or never done very well. I want to hike up a mountain, run in a marathon, where a bathing suit and feel beautiful..I want to be the one that walks by and turns heads, but not because I'm overweight.. So my first goal will be to go on a cruise and wear a sexy bathing suit.. :tongue:
  • I hope to hit goal around the time my daughter graduates from college, and I'm hoping to be able to take her to Europe for a graduation gift... and be able to actually walk around for distances like a normal person (as well as be able to sit comfortably in an airplane seat!).
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member

    Oooh! That's a good one! The last time I busted out a celebratory cartwheel I discovered that you need some pretty good upper body strength....or lower body weight! I think that's an awesome idea and I think I'll borrow it!
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Dancing naked in my livingroom.....just seeing what my body has changed into.....and those beautiful perky boobs my hubby promised me to go along with my tummy tuck!
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