Could this be a plateau?

WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I started August 1st strict and dedicated. I lost 10lbs in 31 days. I weigh myself daily ( I know, I know) and there is usually a loss even if it is an ounce here and there. On August 29th it seemed to have stopped and so far nothing. It went up a few ounces then down 1 but it isn't just hovering in the same spot. I know that doesn't sound like much time but I am curious if this could be the start of a plateau and if so how to I fix it quick?


  • Your body is doing a reset. If it lasts more than a week or so, try changing up your work out and you actually might need to eat more. (scary thought, isn't it?)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    A plateau is defined as 6 weeks straight of no loss or gain. Four days is not a plateau.

    And 10 pounds in 31 days is a HUGE amount of weight to lose.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    At the beginning of the year I wrote my "anticipated" weight on the Monday of each week on my office calendar, losing an average of 2 pounds per week. In mid July I was feeling down, thinking I was not as far along as I wanted to be because I had not lost anything in the last few weeks. I decided to grab that calendar and check to see where I thought I would be that week . . . much to my surprise I was the exact weight I had hoped that I would be.
    Bottom line is that you cannot let the scale rule you or you will fail. I actually had to put mine in the garage for a while so I wouldn't be tempted to get on it more often than once per week. Some weeks you will be down, some you will be up, but if you are faithful and dedicated it will all average out and you will see results of 1 to 2 pounds per week.
    You are not on a plateau unless you stay the same for a number of weeks. Ounces fluctuation is just water weight and should be ignored . . . so stay away from the scale daily as it will just impact your motivation.
    Good luck!
  • snorker88
    snorker88 Posts: 179 Member
    I agree with the other posts, I'd say it was too early to tell if it was a plateau- maybe try weighing yourself a bit less frequently too?

    I'm no expert but if it was me, I'd drink plenty of water, stick with what I was doing and then review the situation in a week or so before you take any action.

    Well done on your loss so far.

    Good luck :smile:
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    A week is way too short.
    I was on a plateau for three weeks before losing again and then it was worth the three weeks in a couple of days! A plateau or two is a part of the deal so just keep doing what you're doing and you should see drop again in a month or so. Just don't get discouraged! You are losing but it just doesn't show on the scale yet.
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Try changing your workout routine up and your food up. It will kick back. If your down to your last few it may be more of a struggle. I know I have been fighting with the last 5lbs for:frown: a few months now. Vanity lbs they is what they are but I want them gone. Head up and shake your routines up. :smile:
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    :smile: Thanks!

    I know I shouldn't weigh every day but in a way it is motivating. If I see a gain or no fluctuation then I work harder. I guess I will just keep at it and see how it goes. I think I got spoiled by the 10lbs weight loss last month.
  • I weigh most days too, have been for about 8 months. I click off one or two pounds for 3 or 4 days and then stop, go back up, level off and then start loosing again, this last a little more than a week sometimes. I have averaged 8 to 10 pounds a month for the last five, some days I gain as much as five pounds, it comes off and I still average the 2 a week that is my goal. This is a long haul, not a daily thing. Don't sweat it, keep a sensible calorie deficit, move your body, stick with the program, and you will have success.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    :smile: Thanks!

    I know I shouldn't weigh every day but in a way it is motivating. If I see a gain or no fluctuation then I work harder. I guess I will just keep at it and see how it goes. I think I got spoiled by the 10lbs weight loss last month.

    I sometimes weigh daily, or at least more than once a week. It's OK to do that IF you can handle the fluctuations without getting upset. You should choose one day to actually record your weight and only consider that day as your actual weight. It might serve you well at this point in your weight loss journey to only weigh yourself once a week until you get a handle on things.

    I'll add that upping your workout may be having the opposite effect on the scale than what you're trying to accomplish. When you exercise harder than usual, you strain muscles (which is what causes the soreness). Your muscles then retain water while they repair themselves. This is NOT a bad thing, and doesn't mean you're not losing fat. But if you lose a pound of fat but retain 2 pounds of water, you're going to show a 1-pound gain even though you lost a pound. So weighing every day will freak you out.

    Just track your food, exercise and relax. This will be much more enjoyable for you.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I started August 1st strict and dedicated. I lost 10lbs in 31 days. I weigh myself daily ( I know, I know) and there is usually a loss even if it is an ounce here and there. On August 29th it seemed to have stopped and so far nothing. It went up a few ounces then down 1 but it isn't just hovering in the same spot. I know that doesn't sound like much time but I am curious if this could be the start of a plateau and if so how to I fix it quick?

    There is nothing to fix.

    Weight shifts a lot in the beginning because of the loss of excess water. After that is all gone, it gets down to the nitty gritty of burning off fat.

    If you take in less calories than you burn off each day, the weight has ot come off in the end it has no choice.

    This is one of the major problems with weighing yourself everyday. You notice every single little fluctuation and when the scales stay still.

    It is commonplace for people to lose just 1lb per week, that means the scales are hardly moving (or don't appear to) if you jump on those scales everyday. Sometimes they won't move for several days and then suddenly a pound shifts, or perhaps even more than that.

    Stick to your eating plan, take in less calories than you use up and exercise, that is all you need to do. Oh and stop obsessing about the scales, weigh and measure once per week and record it somewhere and then forget about the scales and tape measure for another week. It will send you potty otherwise.
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