body recomposition

any of you guys heard of recomp? basically you bulk until you're about 15% bodyfat (or whatever you're comfortable with), then you readjust to maintenance requirements, maintain your new weight but try and lose some excess fat, then repeat. i'm giving it a go and seeing some decent results and wondering if anyone else could share some experiences.


  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I have heard that it is a painfully slow process…

    I guess I am doing something similar now..

    I eat about 2700 calories on workout days (about +200 over maint for me) and then about 2000 on non work out days which is 500 cal deficit...
  • how's it working out for you?

    i really hate having a gut... even during winter. i'm willing to go slowly or "lean bulk" but i also don't want my strength to decrease.

    and do you ever have cheat days where you just throw everything out the window? also height/weight if you don't mind?
  • nevermind i see you listed it in your info... new to this, sorry
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    no problem man…

    I have only been doing this "method" for about four weeks now…so hard to tell how it is going…before this I was doing a pretty aggressive cut 1800 to 2000 cals a day but my gym performance was suffering so I adjusted my intake to what I am doing now…

    I would suggest cut down to a body fat % that you want to be at and then give it a try ….
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I am 5-10 about 175 right now…probably closer to 178; I just lost about three pounds last week with the flu, but I think that was all water weight..i weigh in again this Friday…

    I don't really do cheat days….I have days where I eat what I want but I try to fit it into my calorie goal for that day ...
  • yeah i think i'll go with that route, find a comfortable bf% and roll with that. if my gym time starts sucking i'll probably suck it up and start bulking again.

    thanks for the replies
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    no problem man…good luck to ya