Just did L1D1 of the shred

crazybxrmom Posts: 62 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Ohh my I thought I was in decent shape until now. I about passed out doing this. I cant believe there are 2 more levels I barely was able to do Level 1 and forget the stretching...sheesh I am not limber at all. Anyone have a suggestion for a good yoga dvd that is slow and helps limber you up.


  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    It gets better. I stuck with Anita for the entire series and still lost! :)

    As far as flexibility, I don't have any real recommendations, but I take comfort in the fact that Jillian's not all that flexible either. Stretch WHERE YOU ARE and it may actually gradually get better.

    Good luck!
  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    I just bought 5 day fit Yoga and there are 5 different Yoga routines - love the tape and they are long enough to get the benefit, but short enough that you can actually do the whole tape each day. I also have Yoga for weight loss, several of Rodney Yee and Denise Austin has a yoga tape too.

    I haven't tried the 30 day shred yet, but I looked thru my tapes and I actually have that one (ooops, didn't try it)....I should try it today....maybe:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • I just look on youtube for quick videos to follow - nothing too crazy.

    I love the boxers in your ticker by the way!! Love those guys :heart:
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    I just purchased that DVD - 30 DS, but haven't looked at it yet (got it in the mail last night and had already completed a 20 minute stationary bike and a 40 minute fast/brisk walk - so didn't think I should push myself that hard). I hopefully will get a chance to view it tonight (or maybe Saturday, depending on how my work days go). Glad to know that it is challenging - but challenging is what we need. As for being limber - I can't even do the yoga stuff on the WII Fit Plus - I can't stand on one leg due to arthritis in my knees - so I do what I can and I have to realize that is all there is. Being patient and kind to yourself is a huge lesson to learn while you are doing this journey.

    Good luck with reaching your goals - you can do this.

  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    LMAO!!! I read the title of this thread and was fully expecting to see a post similar to what you typed. I thought I was in good shape (heck, when I got that video, I was in the best shape of my LIFE, cardio-wise as well as everything else)

    I did Level ONE and that woman about killed me. I truly feel for the people on Biggest Loser. OMG LOL
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