Binging on strange foods?

Ok, so a couple weeks ago, I decided not to buy anymore Nutella or sweets or chips to my house so that I couldn't binge. But my binges started to occur much more often, and on the most riddiculus things ever. I just ate 5 bananas and a whole jar of peanut butter with a giant bowl of pineapple slices and heck of a lot of cheese. "Healthy food". Does this has to do with me not eating the things I want? Should I try eating small amounts of junk food ?

And I am actually a very slim person but if things go this way, I won't be for sure.

I would appreciate it if you don't make rude comments, please don't answer if you are going to judge me.


  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Grapes. True story. I had to quit buying them.
  • Grapes. True story. I had to quit buying them.
  • kadda
    kadda Posts: 2 Member
    Bread - I could eat a whole loaf in one sitting. Hence, I won't buy bread to have in the house.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    How many calories are you eating? I find the moment i start heavily restricting i screw myself and binge on anything i can.
  • MrsCZM138
    MrsCZM138 Posts: 116
    Pineapple. Until I ate too much for my body to like and I ended up allergic to it. I have an epipen and everything now. Sad. :sad:
  • donnat238
    donnat238 Posts: 309 Member
    Grapefruit. They are my "crack" I will literally eat until I make myself sick. I avoid like the plague!
  • How many calories are you eating? I find the moment i start heavily restricting i screw myself and binge on anything i can.

    I used to eat between 1800 and 2500. Good times..
    Now I don't have a normal eating schedule. Except my healthy 2500 calories and what I listed , I ate LITERALLY 4 huge bowls of cereal and 2 cups of a very high calorie granola. I don't know how many total, but I can tell you, a jar of peanut butter is over a couple thousand.
    Usually, I try to not go over 2000 calories the day after this.
    But for the last 2 weeks, my schedule has been 1 day like this, other day normal.
  • How many calories are you eating? I find the moment i start heavily restricting i screw myself and binge on anything i can.

    I used to eat between 1800 and 2500. Good times..
    Now I don't have a normal eating schedule. Except my healthy 2500 calories and what I listed , I ate LITERALLY 4 huge bowls of cereal and 2 cups of a very high calorie granola. I don't know how many total, but I can tell you, a jar of peanut butter is over a couple thousand.
    Usually, I try to not go over 2000 calories the day after this.
    But for the last 2 weeks, my schedule has been 1 day like this, other day normal.

    And I don't exercise, I am guessing this will affect me soon. I have got to stop. Arrghh.
  • LeahFerri
    LeahFerri Posts: 186 Member
    Sometimes when I binge or buy a lot of weird stuff it points out a probable deficiency. Like the other day I bought banana Greek yogurt and frozen banana peanut butter Greek yogurt without thinking about the two as related, but it sure makes me wonder if I was down on potassium. Not that either one of those is really going to get my K up, but the nutrient I consciously associate with bananas is potassium. Sometimes in high school I would eat turkey with peanut butter. That usually pointed out insufficient protein, which I keep far more careful track of now!

    Dunno if this explains your dilemma, given that even when I want strange things I generally eat them in small quantities, but it's a potentially relevant phenomenon.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    Take a pregnancy test.

    If you're not eating over maintenance, I wouldn't worry about it (unless the fruit and PB is too freaky for you).
  • Take a pregnancy test.

    If you're not eating over maintenance, I wouldn't worry about it (unless the fruit and PB is too freaky for you).

    Even though I have a fast metobolism, I eat WAY over maintainance.
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Did you binge when you had the junky foods? If you are going over your calories than I would maybe consider just having a little bit of what you want if you can stop yourself from eating too much of the junk. Meaning if you can get by with a tablespoon of nutella it may make you feel satisfied rather than keep eating to try to get rid of a craving that maybe a banana (or 5) won't do. If that makes any sense.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I don't restrict myself from eating any kind of food, I just make sure it fits into my calories for the day. Haven't had a problem with bingeing, but I do have days when I am hungrier than others, and I just make those small overages fit into my overall weekly calorie deficit.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,556 Member
    That happens to me when I restrict myself-I eat tons of what is in the house because I can't have what I really want. That's why I can't do low carb-I will mow through a jar of peanut butter and pounds of nuts because I want a piece of toast!
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Are you pregnant?
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    It can be a mental thing, once you tell yourself you're going on a 'diet' you just want to eat everything iin site.
    My weakness are:

    mangoes. I would buy a box and just smash them. Now I buy them one or two at a time max.

    I haven't had nutella in 10yrs as I will literally eat the whole jar in one sitting. I have no portion control

    Nuts are anothing thing I have difficulty rationing.

    Cherries *drool*
  • XTSH
    XTSH Posts: 129 Member
    I binge on cheap humble plain crackers and seaweeds. Those are snacks I can purchase in bulks. (oh dear)
  • It can be a mental thing, once you tell yourself you're going on a 'diet' you just want to eat everything iin site.
    My weakness are:

    mangoes. I would buy a box and just smash them. Now I buy them one or two at a time max.

    I haven't had nutella in 10yrs as I will literally eat the whole jar in one sitting. I have no portion control

    Nuts are anothing thing I have difficulty rationing.

    Cherries *drool*

    My weaknesses are the same. Actually, pretty much everything is my weakness so it is same with nearly everybodies lol.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I don't binge on food, but I keep dill pickles, celery stalks, and carrots in the fridge. Three celery stalks with scoops of salsa on them, or six baby dill pickles, add up to less than 50 calories, and they're quite filling.

    Once a year, over the holidays, I binge on whisky, and feel awful the next day, but that's another matter….
  • Once, I thought maybe eating something until sick would make me stop craving them.

    The wrongest(if that is a word) thing I have ever thought.
    I craved them more than I ever did .