Amazing Grass Green Super Food opinions?

Picked up a one serving trial packet of "Amazing Grass Green Super Food" powder at the grand opening of a new Whole Foods location in my city. Put it in my smoothie (banana, strawberries, peaches, 4 oz natural apple juice, spinach, hemp protein, cinnamon), and I can't taste it at all, which is great.

Is this stuff any better than a multivitamin? It's a whole heck of a lot more expensive.


  • hilarymcm
    hilarymcm Posts: 55 Member
    I love the stuff! One of the things I like about it is that it adds nutrition, but unlike a lot of multivitamins its nutrients aren't unnecessarily large doses. Plus, I like the taste. If you get a chance, try the ORAC Superfood, it includes berries so it has a slight berry flavor to it, which is more palatable for some people who may not like that "green" taste.
  • cactuswax
    cactuswax Posts: 77 Member
    I've gone through a couple of the big containers of the chocolate superfood, and definitely notice the difference in my skin, hair and nails. It's pretty tasty compared to a lot of other add-ins. Used it as you mentioned; sort of like a daily multi and a greens boost. Compared to some higher-quality multis, the price isn't really a big deal.

    Whole Foods also puts Amazing Grass on sale regularly, especially this time of year.
  • BSmiffy
    BSmiffy Posts: 3 Member
    I have bought a large container of this Green Superfood. I wish i tried it out before buying as it tastes awful. I have tried blending with an apple and pear this morning... but i can still taste it and its putting me off making any smoothies. Any other recommendations of how to "get it down" else it is going in the bin. A great big waste of money if so.