
I have terrible gas just started recently. Not at any certain time of the day and I haven't been able to narrow it down to any specific food. I have cut out dairy almost completely with the exception of 1 yogurt with my breakfast in the morning. I'm noticing any bad tummy bloating either.
Could it be possible that all the sudden, after 39 years, I'm having a gluten reaction?
Any help would be appreciated.


  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    Im curious to know this answer as I do not want to admit that certain foods like dairy, hot sauce, and breads might be the corporates of me becoming constipated, flatulence, burping and bloated at times. To the point the other day I went and bought something to help me out. Ive been better ever since but guess I should see a doc. I would hate to have to give up my bread, dairy, hot sauce.. its always been a huge part of my life. lol
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    That could be so many things. Are you possibly getting more fiber recently? I noticed that there was a good week after I upped my fiber where I was bloated and gassy. I have issues with gluten, and I do get very bad reactions (more than just bloating and gas) if I happen to have it, but usually this is only if I haven't had it in a long time. That's just me, but I do know that other people have similar issues. My doctor told me that aside from blood work and biopsy, a non invasive way is to cut it out of your diet for a month or two and keep a journal with your results (like how many times you went to the bathroom and such). That worked for me because boy oh boy did I have a crazy time when I tried to have a sandwich after 2 months of no gluten. Luckily there's lots of alternatives now if you do have a problem. But to be sure, you really need to talk to your doctor about at least getting some blood work done.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    One yogurt is all it takes for me. If you've cut out dairy because of sensitivity you might want to skip that yogurt and see if it makes a difference. I have gluten issues too but that is not one of my symptoms. I'm sure it can be, but for me it's not.
  • tiddles_yeah
    tiddles_yeah Posts: 117 Member
    I have coeliac disease, and i highly doubt that you have suddenly developed an intolerance to gluten

    It could be a range of things, the type of foods you eat, high protein, lactose intolerance etc

    Either get tested for allergies or cut things out until you know. Thats really all you can do
  • donistenzel
    donistenzel Posts: 17 Member
    I'm skipping my yogurt today for sure because I have some blood work for our Health Risk Assessment for work this morning and have been fasting since last night. So far this morning, I have a bit of gas, but not too terrible. I talked to a good friend last night about some tips to trying to cut out gluten because she's been doing it for some time now. Our insurance has a really high deductible so I don't want to go to the doc unless I have to, BUT I do have a OB-GYN appointment tomorrow and maybe I'll mention it to him and see what he says.
    I also know someone who is a dietitian. Would this be something they might be able to help me with?
    My husband swears it's my spicy food, but even when I don't have it for days, it happens.
    I haven't been having any more fiber than normal. I checked my food journal here.
    Another thing my husband mentioned is that he noticed it's been worse since I started exercising 5-7 days a week.
    That makes no sense to me.
    Anyway, thank you everyone for the advice!!