How Did I get so big?

H everyone
Not talking about bedroom dialogue, just the bewildering size of my beer belly.
Up until 30, I was eleven stone, a vegetarian, non smoker, who drank only very moderatley.
Life happens, drank more , exercised less, partner is a homebody, so we didn't exactly want to do marathon running or even have outdoor...ahem.
Now at 48 Iam 223 ibs as of yesterday, have rented an exercise bike with calorie counter, and since starting serious exercise a month ago have progressed from burning approx 40 calories a day to for the last week approx 1000 calories per day on the bike, plus lightweight dumbell , aerobic style routines for approx 20 min per day.
Feeling better than i have felt for ten years, and that is serious.
I have to cautiously cut down my alcohol intake , I have seriously drank the last few years, but the high of exercising is massively reducing the craving for the dreaded booze.
At one stage I was drinking two cartons of full strength beer every three days, on my days off work.
Eating Mcdonalds twice a day at least three times a week.
Yes ...mmm now i know why I to be frank... Iam .a big bellied slob.
Anyway, joined yesterday, and have found since i decided to cut out all added sugar, plus bread, and milk, that I consume only approx 1300 calories per day.
Today I have only consumed approx 400 calories by 2.30pm.
Was going to have lunch, but after doing 90 minutes on the exercise machine don't feel hungry, had seven unsalted peanuts, one liter of water after breakfast.
Currently drinking scotch and diet coke, will probably have four glasses of 40ml nips.
Iam to be honest, at a loss how to even begin to eat anything close to the 2000, Iam supposed to eat, to lose 2lbs a week.
The cut out ,of sugar, bread, milk, seems to have cut out a lot of calories.
A mate lost 3 stone , approx 18kgs in six months , by simply cutting out sugar, bread and milk.
He didn't exercise.
Iam a genuine person, not wanting to promote any sales gimmick, just perplexed how we manange to eat so many calories, my weight stabilised after cutting out fast food a few months ago, but using the calorie aids on this site , it has opened my eyes, how just cutting out sugar, bread, and milk, plus of course chocolate, can reduce calorie intake by approx 600 calories per day, or more depending on how many coffees, sandwiches, people eat.
Don't want to appear as a know it all, because a know it all doesn't go from 11 stone to 17 stone.
My goal is to get back to approx 11 to 12 stone, cut the booze almost to zero, and to to exercise every day , not too hard , but the place I was a few short months ago, this to me is a miracle.
