Cravings :@

Morning all,

Wondering if anyone had any decent tips on how to keep back/ignore/wait out cravings?

Been dieting hard for a few weeks, lost 3Kgs in the past week, but I woke up today with the largest of urges to stuff my face with crap, so much so I actually dreamt of bad food (shameful...) and this morning I have to physically stop myself knawing on my desk....(That's a joke by the way).

I don't get into work for another hour and a half and am currently famished lol I only usually eat breakfast in work.




  • mxmkenney
    mxmkenney Posts: 486 Member
    Hey Matt,

    Good work on being so disciplined! Not a good sign if you are dreaming about eating though... Don't deprive yourself too much or you WILL eventually cave and you may fall off the wagon HARD. That is from my own experience anyway. Maybe allow yourself a "cheat" day or meal per week to satisfy that craving you've been having.

    For daily cravings, I suggest eating something high in protein which makes you feel fuller longer. Maybe have a protein shake?

    I also allow myself a daily indulgence (small) so I don't feel so deprived. I am a sweets person, so I allow myself to have ONE treat that is under a per-determined allotment of calories per day. It is usually under 150 calories, like an ounce of dark chocolate

    You have to be realistic, you are going to have a day that you cave and eat poorly, but it's what you decide to do after it happens that really matters. Do you fall off the wagon and go on a binge since you "blew it" anyway? Or do you bounce back? My philosophy (and personal success) has been if you commit to eating well 80-90 percent of the time, you will still lose weight.

    Hope that helps - good luck!
    (and I don't advise eating your desk... although high in fiber, it's a waste of calories!)
  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    Tip 1 - eat more protein - like add a boiled egg to breakfast.

    Tip 2 - get rid of the skimmed milk and go full cream.

    Tip 3. Vegetables are your friend you can eat lots and lots of vegetables for very few calories. Plus they have fiber.

    Protein, fat and fiber will help you feel fuller for longer.
  • Skarlet13
    Skarlet13 Posts: 146 Member
    Are you restricting too much? What is your current deficit? I know I dream of food all day when I'm not eating enough. Good luck.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    that is to fast to lose that much. You still want to maintain strength & don't want to gain it all back!
  • Fill up on hot liquids or fruits and vegs (: Good luck!
  • Hybrice
    Hybrice Posts: 117 Member
    My calculated daily is 2300 for weight loss but I've been managing 1720 just fine the past few weeks. I really don't get a lot of protein so I think I'll make a focused effort to get more. My daily meals usually consist of cereal, soup and salmon for dinner with fruit or popcorn as snacks. No sugary drinks and no sweets as yet.

    So my current deficit is about 600kcal. Will I not just adjust as I keep doing it?
  • Hybrice
    Hybrice Posts: 117 Member
    Tip 1 - eat more protein - like add a boiled egg to breakfast.

    Tip 2 - get rid of the skimmed milk and go full cream.

    Tip 3. Vegetables are your friend you can eat lots and lots of vegetables for very few calories. Plus they have fiber.

    Protein, fat and fiber will help you feel fuller for longer.

    Just looked at my nutrition for the past week and you're spot on.

    Consistently at almost half my required protein and never noticed.

    Adding a boiled egg to breakfast as reccomended :)

    Thank you!
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Give yourself one or two days a week where you eat at maintenance. Some people like to do this on the weekends, but any day of the week is good. This will help you keep your metabolism fired up when eating at deficit.

    I also noticed that you said MFP calculated 2300 a day for weight loss. That already calculates a 500 calorie deficit, so at 1720, you are actually at an 1,100 calorie daily deficit. No wonder you are feeling so hungry!
  • GeordieRover
    GeordieRover Posts: 22 Member
    Unsalted roasted peanuts in shell, eat approx 7 shell contents after your breakfast, drink approx one liter of water or more, in morning, do your exercise after breakfast but before nuts.
    If you keep water intake up, hunger will perhaps be a non issue.
  • Hybrice
    Hybrice Posts: 117 Member
    Thanks a lot for your responses guys.

    Got into work, had a bowl of all-bran with banana slices, glass of watered down pineapple juice and a hard boiled egg, feel so much better!
