Just another fad diet? or not?

Has anybody tried or heard of the Rice Diet? I read about it in Woman's World magazine and it seems that Duke University said high and good things about it.

As much water, fat free milk, tea, coffee as you want and you can use splenda.

It seems that the rice will kill the appetite so you don't even feel hungry, even if you only eat 1,000 - 1,200 calories a day.

I read through some of the meals they had, they seemed pretty healthy. For example one day was
Breakfast: 1 cup of high fiber cereal, 1 cup of fat free milk, 1/2 banana or piece of any other fruit.
Lunch: 1/2 can of Healthy Valley vegetarian Chili, 5 no salt corn chips or 1/2 cup brown rice, 2 cups of salad with vinegar/oil herbs to taste and 1 piece of fruit.
Dinner: 1 cup of brown or wild rice, 3 oz baked fish, shrimp or chicken, 1tsp olive oil, herbs to taste, 1 1/2 cups salad vegetables vinegar to taste, 1 piece of fruit.

They had other choices of course, but that was one example. Pretty healthy? It doesn't seem like enough food though! But again, the study they did claims the rice will make you feel very full after a while ...... something about not having a lot of sodium in your body because salt/sodium makes you crave food and feel hungry?

The other claim is that people have lost up to 10 lbs a week on this diet. A person lost 183 lbs in 81 days. hmmmmmm.

The diet was originally meant for kidney patients but it turned out that what was good for kidneys also was good for loosing a good amount of poundage.

I don't really trust things that sound too good to be true so that's why I was wondering if anybody out there has tried this diet or heard of it?


ETA: OH I FORGOT this diet will suggest that for one day a week you should eat 2/3 cups of rice at every meal, plus 2 cups of fruit or 2 pieces of fruit and thats all.
You don't have to do this, it only suggests that you eat this one day a week if you want to "turbo charge" your weight loss. hmmm.
I'd LOVE to loose 10 lbs a week, but I think I'm agreeing with the poster who said that I'd have to keep eating like this or I'd gain the lbs back.

The thing is, I lost 25 pounds, which is GREAT! but I have not lost or gained anything in 2 months. I didn't really changed anything in that 2 months. So, to see if I could end the plateau, a couple weeks ago I cut down on my calories from 1450 to 1200 to see if that helps and I changed my exercise routine also by adding strength training and bike riding. I added incline to my treadmill workout and also changed the tempo of it by going fast for a couple minutes, then slow for a minute etc. etc. instead of just hopping on and going the same speed for 45 minutes.

Thank you for the support/replies


  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Why is this a "rice" diet? Looks like a pretty regular eating plan and you just add a little rice to 2 of the meals. Of course you will lose weight; you are eating low calorie, healthy meals. It's like saying, I'm going on the Almond Butter diet because I use a serving of Almond Butter in 2 of my meals.

    Just eat lean protein, whole grains, healthy fats, lots of fiberous foods, drink lots of water.. you will feel full! :happy:
  • joan41
    joan41 Posts: 170 Member
    It is funny you would post this because I was wondering the same thing just this morning. I already eat most of the foods that is on the diet. Would be interested to know if anyone has tried it, and if there has been success. I have lost 19 lbs in about 7 weeks. I feel so much better, but I haven't lost anything in over a week. I was considering the rice diet too.
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Sounds like a regular healthy way to eat is all. The portions sound about right and as long as you're incorporating protein, fruits, veggies, fiber, and healthy fats then it's a good eating plan.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Has anybody tried or heard of the Rice Diet? I read about it in Woman's World magazine and it seems that Duke University said high and good things about it.

    As much water, fat free milk, tea, coffee as you want and you can use splenda.

    It seems that the rice will kill the appetite so you don't even feel hungry, even if you only eat 1,000 - 1,200 calories a day.

    I read through some of the meals they had, they seemed pretty healthy. For example one day was
    Breakfast: 1 cup of high fiber cereal, 1 cup of fat free milk, 1/2 banana or piece of any other fruit.
    Lunch: 1/2 can of Healthy Valley vegetarian Chili, 5 no salt corn chips or 1/2 cup brown rice, 2 cups of salad with vinegar/oil herbs to taste and 1 piece of fruit.
    Dinner: 1 cup of brown or wild rice, 3 oz baked fish, shrimp or chicken, 1tsp olive oil, herbs to taste, 1 1/2 cups salad vegetables vinegar to taste, 1 piece of fruit.

    They had other choices of course, but that was one example. Pretty healthy? It doesn't seem like enough food though! But again, the study they did claims the rice will make you feel very full after a while ...... something about not having a lot of sodium in your body because salt/sodium makes you crave food and feel hungry?

    The other claim is that people have lost up to 10 lbs a week on this diet. A person lost 183 lbs in 81 days. hmmmmmm.

    The diet was originally meant for kidney patients but it turned out that what was good for kidneys also was good for loosing a good amount of poundage.

    I don't really trust things that sound too good to be true so that's why I was wondering if anybody out there has tried this diet or heard of it?


    Anything that advertises 10lbs a week it an instant red flag of how legit this is..
  • John8188
    Your body need lots of different food to work well. Any diet that helps you lose weight really quick is not going to help cause once you are off it you will gain the weight back. I just stopped eating junk, stopped with the sodas. I try to keep myself 200 cals under my goal. I bike and workout everyday. I have lost 8lbs and don't feel like I really changed my life.

    I do eat rice. Half cup of white rice with my meal. maybe I take chicken or steak and cut it up and put the rice on a bed of lettuce. The lettuce helps fill you up and the rice does give you some carbs that you might need.

    I don't believe that anyone should change their diet unless its a way that you can eat over a very long period of time. Otherwise its a waste of time.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    It is funny you would post this because I was wondering the same thing just this morning. I already eat most of the foods that is on the diet. Would be interested to know if anyone has tried it, and if there has been success. I have lost 19 lbs in about 7 weeks. I feel so much better, but I haven't lost anything in over a week. I was considering the rice diet too.

    You may find that you don't lose anything in a week, but then drop 2lbs the next... don't get discouraged and think you need to start looking at fad diets. Make sure you are drinking lots of water, watch the sodium intake..maybe change up your exercise a little bit. Try a new exercise or increase intensity or do a few minutes more... I hit a plateau for a couple of weeks; gaining and losing the same 2lbs. I changed my goal to lose 1lb per week instead of 2lbs. This increased my calorie intake a bit and I started losing weight again.
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    Yes, it's a fad diet. ANYTHING that limits you to certain foods, or requires you to eat certain foods for a period of time is a fad. The measuring stick is can you maintain this diet for the rest of your life?

    This is a variation of the "grapefruit diet" that's been around since the early 50's. or the cabbage soup diet, or the cookie diet......you get the picture. The premise is that grapefruit would help burn calories. No truth to it at all. However, it's high in fiber and low in calories so having a half a grapefruit before every meal means you eat less and feel full sooner. Therefore you eat less calories and lose weight.

    Could it work? Yes, the menu sounds pretty healthy but truthfully just about any healthy meal with the right balance of calories/nutrition would do the same thing. As for rice curbing your appetite....sure. It's filling and has fiber so it will help you feel full.

    will you lose 10 pounds in a week.....I seriously doubt it. Most of these diets get popular because people who begin the program loose a lot of water weight in the first week. That kind of loss will not be sustainable.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Looks to me like they offered a menu of very healthy food for limited calories and gave it a catchy name.

    If you choose the right foods, you don't need a lot to feel satisfied. I say, if you need the structure of preplanned menus, that's a good one to do (based on what you posted).
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    Your ticker made me go :noway:

    If you are kind of glances that direction and see it, it looks like a female's private parts! :indifferent: :laugh:
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    LOL! oooohh you have a dirty mind you! Well, maybe not 'dirty' maybe 'exotic' is better? hahaha,

    Now I'm gonna have to change it because now that you mentioned it, you're so right!
  • Maggie1960
    Your ticker made me go :noway:

    If you are kind of glances that direction and see it, it looks like a female's private parts! :indifferent: :laugh:

    I hadn't seen it that way but now you come to mention it, it does!:blushing:
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    While the sample menu you posted looks pretty reasonable, why limit yourself like that? It's SO EASY to eat a well balanced diet based off of lean meats, beans, nuts/seeds, healthy fats, lots of veggies/fruit, whole grains, low-fat dairy - all as little processed as possible. I've been eating 1200-1800 cal/day (depending on how much I exercise) of healthy foods (with the occasional treat) and am successfully losing weight. It's so much fun to try new recipes and get creative... to me it wouldn't be any fun to stick to anything that limits what I can eat when there are so many great healthy food options out there.
  • cedes123
    cedes123 Posts: 17 Member
    Yes I read that article as well in the womans world mag I picked up at the grocery store the other day. It seems pretty interesting. I just read up on it more and you actually can have a lot more food that in the sample meal plans they offered so google it and explore. I started today so hopefully my ticker will start to fly to the right!!! Good luck if you try it.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Healthy, low cal eating with a high carb day once a week. It's called carb cycling. You use a high carb day once a week to jack up your metabolism so you can go low cal the rest of the week and lose weight. Your metabolism slows down as you eat less (starvation mode), but studies have shown that just one high-carb day a week makes the metabolism shoot back up so you can keep burning through the cals for another week.

    This is nothing new, just with brown rice as the main source of carbs for the high carb day, which is fine as brown rice is a great source of complex carbs. It's a more controlled, more intense way to lose then what those who follow the MFP plan are doing, which is to maintain a smaller cal deficit to keep the metabolism high and lose slowly.