When do you weigh in?

Hughes39 Posts: 169
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I don't mean like what day. But do you weigh in before your workout that particular day? or after? if after how soon after?


  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    first thing in the morning after waking and "relieving" yourself
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    first thing in the morning after waking and "relieving" yourself
  • AngChambers06
    AngChambers06 Posts: 126 Member
    even though they say not to... I weigh in every morning after I get up. I like to see progress because it helps to motivate me to keep going for that day.
  • Hey ~ we have the same ticker!
  • Hey ~ we have the same ticker!

    I weighed in after eating breakfast this morning. still showed a loss of 1.9lb but now I wish I would have done it before. Even though a loss is a loss, of course I'd rather see a bigger loss! :) ha-ha
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    As soon as I get up, after using the bathroom and not eating anything.
  • first thing in the morning after waking and "relieving" yourself

    And before drinking water
  • When I started my weight loss, I weighed myself on the nurse's scale where I work and was wearing scrubs and my work shoes. It was morning after I arrived at work and before I had any coffee. I weigh every day using the same scale and under the same circumstances to keep things consistent.
  • SLambertAlaska
    SLambertAlaska Posts: 197 Member
    first thing in the morning: relieve myself, weigh. I think that's the way to get the most consistent measurement. However, I do find that if I ate a larger dinner (eg: steak on my anniversary) it shows on the scale in the morning, but will be "gone" by the next day. I do weigh every day, even though a lot of people on this site say to weigh only once a week, because I need the motivation to get through the day, and because I don't want to wait a week to find out how much that steak dinner mattered.
  • crissgr
    crissgr Posts: 58 Member
    Weekly, in the morning after I wake up and before I eat or drink.
  • Hey ~ we have the same ticker!

    I weighed in after eating breakfast this morning. still showed a loss of 1.9lb but now I wish I would have done it before. Even though a loss is a loss, of course I'd rather see a bigger loss! :) ha-ha

    i changed my ticker... :(
  • Mepheston
    Mepheston Posts: 38 Member
    Right now I step on the scale daily, first thing in the morning after I relieve myself and on an empty stomach. Like others I like to see the results of what exactly I'm putting into my body and what I'm working off. However I only enter it on Sunday because I know weight can fluctuate from day to day.
  • I weigh in every Wed. around 2pm fully clothed with empty bladder!! Most Doctors and trainers will tell you weighing your self more than once a week is unhealthy for you,, you will become obsessed with the scale.... I have been very careful and staying in close contact with my Doctor sense deciding I need to loose weight for my kids. I am a recovered Bulimic and I in no way wanna be either eating disorder I have been even printing off my diary for my doctor so she knows I am not just starving myself!!! I wish you good luck hum but remember once a week, every 2 weeks, or once a month!!!
  • Hey ~ we have the same ticker!

    I weighed in after eating breakfast this morning. still showed a loss of 1.9lb but now I wish I would have done it before. Even though a loss is a loss, of course I'd rather see a bigger loss! :) ha-ha
    Awe i hope you didnt change it cause of me! i didnt realize someone else already had it!! :(
    i changed my ticker... :(
  • Hey ~ we have the same ticker!

    I weighed in after eating breakfast this morning. still showed a loss of 1.9lb but now I wish I would have done it before. Even though a loss is a loss, of course I'd rather see a bigger loss! :) ha-ha

    i changed my ticker... :(
    hope you didnt change it because of me! I didnt realize someone already had it! :(
  • NavySailor
    NavySailor Posts: 84 Member
    I weigh in every single morning right after I wake up!
  • egbkid
    egbkid Posts: 164 Member
    i don;t have a scale...i have looked everywhere for one, and can't find one! So i weigh in when i go to my parents, about once a month. Usually i try to first thing, when i wake up if i stay the night. If i do not stay overnight, i try when i have an empty stomach and hope for the best!
  • ShaneT99
    ShaneT99 Posts: 278 Member
    I always weigh in the morning after I've worked out and had a shower and before I eat breakfast.
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    Friday morning after peeing but before eating or drinking.
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