Finally ready to do this!

Hello, I've been using the MFP app for many years but this is my first time to the community board. I am a young, single mother who is about 50 pounds overweight. I am 5'1 and weigh 171 pounds. Scary! Anyway, I've been on on again off again diets and weight loss plans but I think now I am FINALLY READY TO DO THIS! I've recently hired a personal trainer, attend boot camp classes and I do Zumba workouts at home. My problem has been that my eating and workouts were never in sync. If I were working out, I'd still be overeating at Chick Fil-A, or if I decided to "eat right" I wouldn't work out. Now, I'm doing both at the same darn time. :)

My ultimate goal is to lose 25 pounds. If I can get to 150 (I'd still be overweight) I would be a really happy girl. Right now, I have to focus on being patient and taking this one day at a time. I don't want to be easily discouraged by not seeing a change in the scale after one week of going hard.

I'm hoping that I'll find extra motivation from you all who are dealing with the same experiences of trying to lose weight. Here's to a great start and getting Results! :wink: