Giving myself a hard time or becoming complacent?!


Don't really know that there is too much point in this post, suppose I'm just trying to draw from other peoples experiences and see if anyone has any words of wisdom!

I decided on 5th November 2013 that I was a bit sick and tired of being overweight! So on 6th november, I completely overhauled my lifestyle, going from eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted to Between 1200-1300 calories per day. I started out at 14 stone (we work in stone and pounds in Scotland ;-) ) and have since lost nearly 2 stone, so 25lbs.

Aswell as eating this set amount of calories, I have been doing either 30 day shred or another exercise dvd on average 4 times per week, not eating back any of my exercise calories. Also, I have been allowing myself a wee bit of a day off on saturdays, so maybe a small chinese take away or bar of my favourite chocolate and a nice drink. This hasn't brought me much over my calorie allowance as I've been super good with having a small healthy breakfast/lunch/

Anyway, I have been doing so well and haven't fallen off the wagon at all (honestly!) however, yesterday and today, I feel famished! Craving every sort of junk under the sun, though I hasten to add, I haven't pigged out!

Sometimes I feel so positive and impressed that I have done so well so far as I always describe myself as someone with zero willpower. But today I feel so guilty about feeling like feeding my face with crap :-(

Now realising I have rambled on with little point, I guess I was curious as to what approach everyone else would take to my sort of weight loss. I'm 5foot 5", now weight 12 stone 2 pounds, have 2 energetic kids that I'm always running around after and doing some sort of exercise dvd 4 days a week. How many calories should I be eating? And is it normal to feel down about even considering eating more than my daily calories?!

Sorry for the long post, thinking out loud I guess and hoping someone can identify with how I'm feeling :-(

Thanks in advance :-)


  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I say eat more calories if you're that hungry otherwise you might end up giving up on your lifestyle change all together.
    Increase by 200 and then reevaluate in a couple of weeks to determine if you are still losing. Even if you're losing a bit slower, at least you won't quit altogether. You need to eat enough to stay healthy and energetic.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you can eat more than 1200 cals and still lose weight...

    i would suggest you set your weight loss goal to 1lb per week, set your activity setting to light active and eat back your exercise cals... that way its a much more sustainable and enjoyable lifestyle for you!

    its not normal to feel 'down' about eating more calories... the more i can eat the happier i am!!!!
  • 0Gemma0
    0Gemma0 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you for the reply. I know you are probably right, and it is sound advice because I would really hate to ruin everything because I feel so hungry. Some days I think that I shouldn't be quite so harsh with the calories but at the same time think that I'm just trying to convince myself of this so I can eat more! :-) I've been feeling ok until the past few days, maybe just because it's been a few months now since I started and still feels like I have such a long way to go.

    Having an emotional day I think! Need to focus on the achievement so far, if I can lose this much in the first place, all I need to do is keep it going :-)
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    Some days are just hungry days! What I do is keep my goal at 1200, but I consider anything under 1600 a great day.
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    Agreeing with the others. A calories limit of 1400-1600 may work better for you. I'm the same height and weight as you and that's my calorie range.

    I also eat back some of my exercise calories depending on how hungry I'm feeling as I've noticed that sometimes after heavy weight days I'm hungrier than normal so I compensate with a 100-200 extra calories.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    There are going to be times, when you will give into your cravings and over eat. You are after all only human. As long as you are not doing it everyday, it is not going to hurt a bit. Just carry on as usual the next day. None of us got this way from one day of over eating. Just don't beat yourself up over it, that can cause more damage than anything.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    You've been averaging 2.5 pounds per week, which is fairly aggressive. If you're truly feeling famished, it's a good clue that you are undereating. Your maintenance calories are around 2400-2500 per day. (2.5 pounds per week is a 1250 calorie daily deficit. If you're eating 1200 calories, 1200+1250=2450 for maintenance.) You could easily up your calories to 1900 and still lose a pound a week. That also gives you more "wiggle" room for treats, which will help combat cravings.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Thank you for the reply. I know you are probably right, and it is sound advice because I would really hate to ruin everything because I feel so hungry. Some days I think that I shouldn't be quite so harsh with the calories but at the same time think that I'm just trying to convince myself of this so I can eat more! :-) I've been feeling ok until the past few days, maybe just because it's been a few months now since I started and still feels like I have such a long way to go.

    Having an emotional day I think! Need to focus on the achievement so far, if I can lose this much in the first place, all I need to do is keep it going :-)

    i am the same height as you and weigh 9st9, and i am losing on 1800 cals per day (more when i work out) so dont feel like you have to eat so little to be doing it right....
  • 0Gemma0
    0Gemma0 Posts: 4 Member
    he he thank you everyone, I know I feel like I'm being ridiculous, just feels like that would be making it too easy for myself and that somehow to punish myself for being a greedy pig and making myself overweight in the first place that I should somehow have to suffer to lose it.

    I might do as you suggest, even if it is to give myself a bit of a breather and refocus!
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    he he thank you everyone, I know I feel like I'm being ridiculous, just feels like that would be making it too easy for myself and that somehow to punish myself for being a greedy pig and making myself overweight in the first place that I should somehow have to suffer to lose it.

    I might do as you suggest, even if it is to give myself a bit of a breather and refocus!
    Absolutely no need to punish yourself. I have gotten below 125 pounds by eating well and not feeling in the least bit deprived.
    The path to success lies in changing your lifestyle forever-not punishment and deprivation, which only leads to weight regain.