Zumba lovers - HELP!



  • Inspired_Mom
    I think everyone is focusing too much on the Zumba - weight loss is at least 80% what you eat. At least - if not more. So, I wouldn't focus on adding more exercise in an already packed schedule, I would focus more on what you are eating. Adding more time for exercise is only going to cause stress which has been shown to hinder weight loss. In addition, you are only going to stick with an exercise you enjoy - so keep doing Zumba if you enjoy it. If you don't. Maybe change things up and do a HITT workout instead - that will incorporate some body weight training, and some studies have shown its more effective then steady state cardio (I know this - I still do Zumba because I like it and I will stick to it - but if I plateau - I switch out for a few weeks).

    As far as food goes....for me (I stress FOR ME), it's all about what I eat. If I eat junk, I have to eat closer to the 1200 calorie level to lose weight. If I eat only whole foods and only protein and carbs from veggie and fruits --- I can eat closer to 1600-1700 to lose weight. So, I would focus more on that part of things. Don't worry about getting creative with recipes. Seriously buy bags of froze, plain veggie and steam them in the microwave and make up chicken breasts, pork loin, 95% lean beef, etc. It doesn't need to be time consuming or fancy.

    Anyway, that's my two cents. Focus more on cleaning up your diet - stick with Zumba - and give it time. Oh, and make sure you are weighing and measuring everything. When I stop, my portions go out of control while I think I'm doing just fine.

    Thanks for the advice! Maybe, I will try cleaning up the eating habits instead of added more exercise. I LOVE Zumba and am addicted. I miss it when I have to miss or class is cancelled. I enjoy it, so I am sticking to it. Plus, I feel like I "belong". I danced and did cheerleading in high school, so dance is in my blood. Actually, we are going to Zumba at my wedding in Sept, lol.
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    I know this is probably not what you are going to want to hear, but I think only doing Zumba is not going to help. I think the cardio that Zumba provides is excellent, and it does help you to lose inches. When I was doing Zumba 3-4 times a week I definitely saw a visible difference, but until I added weights and additional cardio I was not seeing a scale difference regularly.

    Schedule wise, I just can't do anymore than I am doing because it would take more time away from my kids. I am at the gym Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturday mornings. My gym closes before I can get there on Fridays and closes early on Sundays. Which leaves Mondays and Thursday which I am usually spending time with my kids and doing PC stuff. Not making excuses, just explaining my situation. My knee can handle the Zumba stress, maybe I will try Jillian again.

    I totally get it that time is a HUGE factor. I have a 21 month old as well as 2 older children, plus work a full-time job and a part time job. Try getting some hand weights (start off with 2 or 5 pounds) and add some at-home workouts after the kids go to bed. I have the horrible upper arm fat (so ugly), and doing this is really helping a ton! Try going to youtube and find some easy at home weight routines.... You will get there, just don't give up!

    This a million times! I am a full time single mom of 2 with a full time job and 2 part time jobs. I love zumba more than any other workout, however, it wasn't until I started lifting weights that I noticed a difference. I do zumba once a week for an hour, twice if I don't want to lift. The other 2 days I do a little cardio to warm up, then I lift for 30 minutes. Doing less zumba and adding weights is where it's at.
  • MichaleneRN
    MichaleneRN Posts: 13 Member
    Agree with other posters. Try to clean up your eating a bit and make sure you are getting your water in. I have been there before. I am really trying to clean up may eating (especially snacking). I have found The Mayo Clinic Book to be a good resource to help with starting to clean up your diet.
  • susanwair
    susanwair Posts: 78 Member
    I do Zumba 5-6 times a week. I use a HRM and my lowest burn 585 and my highest 832. I have been doing Zumba for 3 years.
    I am 5' 9" and 164 lbs. My plan is to begin incorporating weights-which I am hoping will help. On the days I do Zumba I eat back about 1/2 the calories burned-but try not to eat back all of them. You may want to try that.
    Good luck and hang in there...
    ZUMBA LOVE :bigsmile:
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    I was on a plateau after losing 25 lbs. Then I greatly restricted my calories, and I was miserable. I upped my calories, didn't log, focused on exercise. Guess what happened? I got more endurance, I got stronger, felt better about myself, but after a year, no weight loss. At some point, you're going to have to make the connection that your weight is due to food you put in your mouth. Things can affect the food you want to put in your mouth, like stress, depression, medication. But, until you decide to get your calorie issue settled, not sure how things will change for you. I didn't want to log my food, I thought it was OCD. But, since I've been doing it, I've been losing weight. God can help you make the necessary changes if willpower is a problem. If you learn to use portion control along with various low cal meals (like soup or a lean cuisine), you can make room in your calories for whatever you like. Skinny Cow makes candy bars, one of my MFP pals has waffles, syrup and sausage all time - the point is, it doesn't have to FEEL like a diet, like depravation. But the calories really need to come down, and I wouldn't eat back the calories. I still exercise - Zumba, weightlifting, swimming and more - but I do it for FITNESS, tone, strength, to be firm. I eat for WEIGHT LOSS.

    Edited to add: I reset my ticker on Jan 1. Since then, I've lost 7lbs on 1450 cal/day more or less, and not eating back calories. I did Zumba yesterday and ate a donut this morning.
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    As far as food goes....for me (I stress FOR ME), it's all about what I eat. If I eat junk, I have to eat closer to the 1200 calorie level to lose weight. If I eat only whole foods and only protein and carbs from veggie and fruits --- I can eat closer to 1600-1700 to lose weight. So, I would focus more on that part of things. Don't worry about getting creative with recipes. Seriously buy bags of froze, plain veggie and steam them in the microwave and make up chicken breasts, pork loin, 95% lean beef, etc. It doesn't need to be time consuming or fancy.

    Anyway, that's my two cents. Focus more on cleaning up your diet - stick with Zumba - and give it time. Oh, and make sure you are weighing and measuring everything. When I stop, my portions go out of control while I think I'm doing just fine.

    This is what I think, if it matters :laugh: I always thought and keep hearing it "Abs are made in the kitchen" or "you can't out exercise a bad diet". I am not focusing on exercise personally (though re-incorporating it again) but trying my hardest to eat better/wholesome foods. I actually can eat so much more food with these kind that I am not really hungry and I eat at 1800 plus my exercise calories (most of them). I would see what eating a chicken breast/lean protein and veggies as lunch and veggies/fruit as snacks for a week to see how it goes. I know that food is key for me.... :heart:
  • llerelgin
    llerelgin Posts: 17 Member
    Keep the workouts because it help you through the stress. It makes you feel like you accomplice something. I think, that you should have a day of the week to enjoy in moderation the food you really love. That way you'll keep yourself happier dieting knowing that the awesome treat is not too far.
    Good luck! You can do it!
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    I love measuring! It was so great to have multiple indicators for success. I also took monthly photos from the front/side/back to help see the changes. Some months the scale doesn't move much, but it's nice to have other metrics to tell me I'm getting smaller.

    That said, right now I'm pregnant and my measurements are certainly increasing rather than decreasing :wink:. I will begin measuring again post baby #2.

    Good luck! Just keep moving, eating well and logging honestly and you will reach your goals!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    If you just hit this weight last week you're not stalled, you just need to be patient. Are you using a food scale? How much protein are you eating?

    eta: how many exercise calories is "some?"
  • pineapple1989
    pineapple1989 Posts: 195 Member
    Variety is the key, I think you need to mix it up a bit, even if it's just a few soft exercises at home