OK, measuring Body Fat

I was reading on here that you can take your measurements with a tape measure to determine body fat percentage...not just to see if you are loosing weight but to tell if you are 18%, 28% fat, etc. Is that true, and if so how do you do it?


  • lmd_1979
    lmd_1979 Posts: 130
    Yes, you can just measure your neck, waist and hips.
  • mochamommy
    mochamommy Posts: 187 Member
    But how do you know what your body fat percentage is by that?
  • lmd_1979
    lmd_1979 Posts: 130
    I took the the measurements then used the fat2fitratio body fat calculator, just google it. Btw it's not the most accurate way but it's may give you a rough idea.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    The easiest way to measure it is through BIA (e.g., you can get an Omron body fat monitor @ Amazon for ~$30), and while they're good for measuring trends in BF%, they're not the most accurate way to collect a single data point. That said, for most people, they're "accurate enough" and it doesn't get much easier than that. :smile: