Can you view my food diary and give your opinion?

Hello everyone/ I am 45, female, 244lbs. Up until 7yrs ago I weighed between 155-175 most of my adult life. I stopped birth control pills at that time and since then its been a constant struggle. I gained 30lbs the first year I was off the pill. But of course the doctors told me (eat less, exercise more) as I gained and gained and gained. Had all the tests done..I don't have PCOS or anything like that.

I tried a high protein diet (Medifast). I lost 32lbs in 4 months...GAINED IT ALL BACK and them some when I stopped cause I couldn't afford it anymore. Plus that diet had me on 1000 calories intake and that I KNEW was wrong but I was so desperate to lose and I saw the weight coming off. Anyway...when started Medifast I was 224lbs...went down to 192lbs...after stopping Medifast I QUICKLY went up to my current weight. About two years. I don't eat a lot of bad foods. I don't eat a lot period. But OBVIOUSLY SOMETHING IS OFF. I know my metabolism is changing but I don't see how I could gain 70lbs in 7yrs with no major change other than the pill.

But I determined to make this year (I turn 45 next week) THE YEAR.

Since Medifast helped me lose a lot and fast I was wondering if the protein is key (I will NOT go back to 1000 a day). When I use the calculator here it tells me to eat 1330 a day to lose my goal (70lbs in ten months which is my wedding anniversary) I thought that may be too LITTLE so I have been fluctuating between 1330 and 1500 a day. I do find I am hungry still but it is getting easier each day. I tried to do more protein but it is harder than I thought to get that amount in. I DON'T want to give up bread and pasta but I ALWAYS do multigrain or whole wheat.

Is it really a matter or simply eating less or do I really need to focus on carbs and protein intake to see the best results?