Born this way



  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member

    In December I was on holiday for 2 weeks and ate anything and everything and gained 4lb….then in the last 2 weeks I have been trying to log my food and all I have done is to gain 2lb whilst trying to restrict.

    That's why you are not losing weight. Eating anything and everything for 2 weeks doesn't mean you're committed.

    You can plenty eat 'healthy', not 'everything and anything' during christmas time.

    You probably gained more than 4lbs from 2 weeks of binging and it just showed up on the scale. You might have easily put on 8 - 10 lbs and BECAUSE of your logging and diet(for 2 weeks) only gained 2 lbs for a total of 6lbs.

    I know you're frustrated, but if millions of other people can lose weight and you can't, you're doing something wrong.

    Find the cause.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    You can do all the exercise in the world and still get fat.

    QFT. In 2012, I rode my bike about 2500 miles and gained 10 lbs. In 2013, I rode 3600 and lost 45. I didn't lose because of the cycling, but because I was carefully tracking calories.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    You weren't born this way. You were born a perfect, healthy baby. You BECAME this way from adopting bad habits. Only you can take responsibility for your future self.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member

    To top it off I have just seen some amazing success stories…"pic only success thread"….Am I jealous?? No! I keep wondering HOW DID THEY DO IT????
    Well I can only speak for myself, but what I did was:

    -used one of those calculations (I basically went with what MFP told me to eat, and then adjusted it myself as I learnt more. MFP's goal is a good start though)
    -made small sustainable changes to my life such as exercising more, and finding better ways to deal with my emotions than overeating
    -realised that this is a process that doesn't end
    -stopped giving up
    I don't need to open my diary because I KNOW it's not accurate.
    As others have pointed out, this is probably the biggest issue. It's not fun to weigh and measure everything and log your food every day, but it works. In the end, it's your choice to do it or not. Some things are worth it even if they are difficult. I know this thread was basically a rant/vent, but ultimately that's what it boils down to. It's in your hands. :flowerforyou:
  • Rhozelyn
    Rhozelyn Posts: 201 Member
    You weren't born this way. You were born a perfect, healthy baby. You BECAME this way from adopting bad habits. Only you can take responsibility for your future self.

  • Rhozelyn
    Rhozelyn Posts: 201 Member
    You can do all the exercise in the world and still get fat.

    QFT. In 2012, I rode my bike about 2500 miles and gained 10 lbs. In 2013, I rode 3600 and lost 45. I didn't lose because of the cycling, but because I was carefully tracking calories.
    ^^ This
  • Rhozelyn
    Rhozelyn Posts: 201 Member

    In December I was on holiday for 2 weeks and ate anything and everything and gained 4lb….then in the last 2 weeks I have been trying to log my food and all I have done is to gain 2lb whilst trying to restrict.

    That's why you are not losing weight. Eating anything and everything for 2 weeks doesn't mean you're committed.

    You can plenty eat 'healthy', not 'everything and anything' during christmas time.

    You probably gained more than 4lbs from 2 weeks of binging and it just showed up on the scale. You might have easily put on 8 - 10 lbs and BECAUSE of your logging and diet(for 2 weeks) only gained 2 lbs for a total of 6lbs.

    I know you're frustrated, but if millions of other people can lose weight and you can't, you're doing something wrong.

    Find the cause.
    No argument there!
  • Rhozelyn
    Rhozelyn Posts: 201 Member
    I don't need to open my diary because I KNOW it's not accurate.
    You don't need to open your diary. If you want to reach your goals you should start by making more of an effort with keeping an accurate log. For yourself, not for anyone else.
    Totally agree. I have to be honest with MYSELF not the whole world.
  • Rhozelyn
    Rhozelyn Posts: 201 Member
    I haven't read the responses, only your post. It doesn't sound like you're ready yet. When you're ready, you'll have a more positive outlook and be willing to commit yourself. Committing yourself means you'll make the time to accurately log your food as well as getting in some exercise at least a few days a week.

    Just my .02
    You could be right but I think I'm committed but I am doing something wrong and haven't worked out what will make my body shift the weight. As I said I have been at this for a long time and was successful for 10yrs but the methods I used to use don't work anymore. I need to find the answer to my body.
  • Rhozelyn
    Rhozelyn Posts: 201 Member
    Well congratulations on doing it wrong, finding limited success, and being unwilling to alter your methods.
    ^^^Hope posting this made your day!
  • Rhozelyn
    Rhozelyn Posts: 201 Member
    Sorry to be blunt but... PUT AN EFFORT INTO IT. Wow not even a whopping month and your attitude towards your "new lifestyle" sucks. I'm not gonna sugar coat it like u are a child. You want results be prepared to work for them. I think u need to turn around your attitude and say you can do this. Don't be lazy, weigh and measure, take two TINY minutes three times a day to actually record what's going in your stomach. There I said what everyone was holding back, no sugar coating. Good luck in your journey ????

  • kiwitechgirl
    kiwitechgirl Posts: 145 Member
    I haven't read the responses, only your post. It doesn't sound like you're ready yet. When you're ready, you'll have a more positive outlook and be willing to commit yourself. Committing yourself means you'll make the time to accurately log your food as well as getting in some exercise at least a few days a week.

    Just my .02
    You could be right but I think I'm committed but I am doing something wrong and haven't worked out what will make my body shift the weight. As I said I have been at this for a long time and was successful for 10yrs but the methods I used to use don't work anymore. I need to find the answer to my body.

    The only answer, no matter what, is eating less than you burn, and accurate logging is the best way to achieve that. Yes, it can be a drag. Yes, we all fall off the wagon occasionally, but if you keep at it, you will succeed!
  • Rhozelyn
    Rhozelyn Posts: 201 Member
    I haven't read the responses, only your post. It doesn't sound like you're ready yet. When you're ready, you'll have a more positive outlook and be willing to commit yourself. Committing yourself means you'll make the time to accurately log your food as well as getting in some exercise at least a few days a week.

    Just my .02
    You could be right but I think I'm committed but I am doing something wrong and haven't worked out what will make my body shift the weight. As I said I have been at this for a long time and was successful for 10yrs but the methods I used to use don't work anymore. I need to find the answer to my body.

    The only answer, no matter what, is eating less than you burn, and accurate logging is the best way to achieve that. Yes, it can be a drag. Yes, we all fall off the wagon occasionally, but if you keep at it, you will succeed!

    Thanks :-) I have been "under-eating for my weight" according to MFP. That really can be mind boggling when I don't lose weight.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I haven't read the responses, only your post. It doesn't sound like you're ready yet. When you're ready, you'll have a more positive outlook and be willing to commit yourself. Committing yourself means you'll make the time to accurately log your food as well as getting in some exercise at least a few days a week.

    Just my .02
    You could be right but I think I'm committed but I am doing something wrong and haven't worked out what will make my body shift the weight. As I said I have been at this for a long time and was successful for 10yrs but the methods I used to use don't work anymore. I need to find the answer to my body.

    The only answer, no matter what, is eating less than you burn, and accurate logging is the best way to achieve that. Yes, it can be a drag. Yes, we all fall off the wagon occasionally, but if you keep at it, you will succeed!

    Thanks :-) I have been "under-eating for my weight" according to MFP. That really can be mind boggling when I don't lose weight.

    accurate logging is required...weighing food not measuring cups, using the correct entries

    If you are truely at a deficet you will lose weight...if you are not losing you are not in a deficet..time to face facts.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Rhozelyn, don't give up. But if you look at your pitfalls, and ask others for advice, you might find there's people willing to help YOU find ways that work FOR YOU!

    What are your goals besides weight loss? Lower blood pressure? To get off diabetes medication? To feel better about yourself? Maybe logging every little bite of food isn't what you need right now, if it's stressing you out. Maybe walking every day or eating 5 servings of vegetables a day is a better goal, for now. What is YOUR goals?
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    Ok It's only the 16th day into a new year and I'm fed up of logging and not losing a single pound of weight. I have gained 2lb.
    It's going to take longer. Be patient.
    I'm frustrated that I need to log in my food and I am sick to death of hearing about TDEE and BMR! How can some calculation be accurate about my body? Plus my body seems to do whatever it wants whatever I do. I can stick to the TDEE and workout and lose NOTHING. It simply wants to fulfil its potential and what I am attempting to do is not nature's plan. Nature wants me to be fatter…my mind even plays tricks on me…
    Calories in = calories out. It is that simple. I would give you advise about what you should do, but I think you need to realise first that you A) need to be patient and B) really have to track what goes in your mouth. If you are underestimating what you eat, you won't lose. It's that simple, really. Nature does not want you to be fat...
    I can't connect with my body. It has so much fat yet it can't use it as an energy source. I even still have hunger pangs when I'm carrying around 80lb of fat! (my body fat is apparently about 41%).
    Our bodies pretty much work in the same way. Be careful with blaming your body, because I fear you might be in denial. I'm trying to say this in the nicest way possible.
    Is my life going to be about logging every morsel of food that passes my lips???? Really????!!!! If I'm not prepared to do this for life then why bother??? Is this sustainable???
    Do you REALLY want it? If so, DO IT. Log the food. For me, after a year I can say that I pretty much know what I can eat and be on target (because I know how much calories are in my brekkie, lunch and dinner).
    Maybe I'm not giving it 100%….ok I'm not. I have to make a decision now…because I sure as hell am not going to be logging every bloody morsel and finding myself still fat in 3 months' time!!!!! I CAN'T!!!!
    Well, there ya go...
    So I AM going to stop logging in pretend calories(who know?? the numbers and and weights all vary!) I am the queen of guestimating!!
    Stop being upset. Get a foodscale and weigh the damn food. The box of oats says 40 grams is x amount of calories, so I log exactly that amount. The almond milk says it has x amount of calories per 100ml, so I measure and log that. It's not that hard! You just don't want it enough!
    To top it off I have just seen some amazing success stories…"pic only success thread"….Am I jealous?? No! I keep wondering HOW DID THEY DO IT????
    By measuring their food, logging it, eating at a deficit and being patient.
  • Steph_in_Mississippi
    A friend told me this one time which stuck with me. "If you taste it, chew it or bite it, you write it". Meaning no matter how little the calorie content is, if you eat it, you log it because it does add up.

    Sometime I do get tired of worrying with logging and food but I hate to throw away the hard work I put into it. Get a good friend's list. My friend's list is very important. Not only do they offer encouragement, support and advice, it helps to know that someone else is going through what I'm dealing with. Plus if I have one of those days where I don't feel like logging in, I feel like I would let them down if I don't support them. :smile:

    Good luck chic. You got this!

    Also take it one day at a time. And make small goals instead of looking at the "big picture" which can be overwhelming.
  • liloldDee
    liloldDee Posts: 92 Member
    Hi there I started with a similar amount of weight to lose, I'm not nearly there yet but there's no doubt in my mind that I will get there. It's going to take time, dedication and consistency and I'm more than willing to give that. I have spent the last number of years losing and gaining weight, beating myself up about my failures, feeling very bad about myself, telling myself that for me losing weight was harder than other people generally making excuses. I have set my weightless on here to lose one pound per week, I weigh what needs to be weighed and I count calories. I got a fitbit so I can see just how active or inactive I am, no more going for a Walk and thinking "job done" And sitting on my behind for the rest of the day. Basically I'm taking responsibility and it's working. The best thing about all of this is how I no longer feel bad about my weight of my eating habits, there's no guilt. Between a moderate calorie deficit and exercise I eat very well am never hungry, never deprived and I'm not on a diet. I used to rebel against spending the rest of my life counting calories, now I embrace it, counting calories will be the tool I use to keep my weight in check. I don't begrudge my 20 min drive to work or similar time spent showering and getting dressed, why would I begrudge the 15 or so minutes it takes to weigh my food and log it on here?

    I don't have days off, everything is logged even when I go over, doing that has allowed me to see a true reflection of my eating habits and my subsequent weightloss.
    Take ownership for your eating and exercise and you will see the results, good luck.
  • Rhozelyn
    Rhozelyn Posts: 201 Member
    I haven't read the responses, only your post. It doesn't sound like you're ready yet. When you're ready, you'll have a more positive outlook and be willing to commit yourself. Committing yourself means you'll make the time to accurately log your food as well as getting in some exercise at least a few days a week.

    Just my .02
    You could be right but I think I'm committed but I am doing something wrong and haven't worked out what will make my body shift the weight. As I said I have been at this for a long time and was successful for 10yrs but the methods I used to use don't work anymore. I need to find the answer to my body.

    The only answer, no matter what, is eating less than you burn, and accurate logging is the best way to achieve that. Yes, it can be a drag. Yes, we all fall off the wagon occasionally, but if you keep at it, you will succeed!

    Thanks :-) I have been "under-eating for my weight" according to MFP. That really can be mind boggling when I don't lose weight.

    accurate logging is required...weighing food not measuring cups, using the correct entries

    If you are truely at a deficet you will lose weight...if you are not losing you are not in a deficet..time to face facts.
  • Rhozelyn
    Rhozelyn Posts: 201 Member
    Rhozelyn, don't give up. But if you look at your pitfalls, and ask others for advice, you might find there's people willing to help YOU find ways that work FOR YOU!

    What are your goals besides weight loss? Lower blood pressure? To get off diabetes medication? To feel better about yourself? Maybe logging every little bite of food isn't what you need right now, if it's stressing you out. Maybe walking every day or eating 5 servings of vegetables a day is a better goal, for now. What is YOUR goals?
    I have no medical issues…yet! I want to lose weight to look good ,feel more energetic and be the size I was 2 years ago if not smaller! I have had to start buying new clothes in a bigger size which is a real shame.