Exercise Procrastination! Help!

bmq98 Posts: 78
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi everyone,

I joined this site yesterday and so far I love it. I love using the calorie counter and making friends here. Here I am on day 2 and I don't know if it is my thyroid issue or what, but I just don't feel the energy to start my workout. I put it off and off, and then reluctantly get to it in a halfhearted way. Maybe it's because I feel so heavy, maybe it's my creaky knees. I need to get motivated! help please!

yours in the quest,


  • amyfly
    amyfly Posts: 137
    Just push your self to do what you can - the increase in energy, stamina and motivation will come with time and success. In the meantime doing anything - even just a few minutes - is better than nothing. And by starting out slowly your decrease your risk of injury while building strength and stamina. Good luck!
  • It sounds like a lot of excuses. It's time to "Just Do It". You need to commit to doing x days of excercise for x amount of time, even if you half heartedly do it. Once you get started on a schedule and start doing it regularly, it will start to get easier and your body will get stronger.

    I have thyroid issues too, so I can relate. If you are seeing a doctor regularly and your meds are regulated, it's probably not your thyroid. I used to blame it on my thyroid all of the time, until my doctor bluntly told me it was just in my head.

    Keep at it and it will get better.
  • Hi,

    I had the same problem. I just could NOT get motivated to exercise. It took me over a week on here until I actually did it lol. I started my first day of exercise with 10 situps just to do something. lol The 2nd day I walked 1/4 mile, then next day 1/2 mile then 3/4 mile then 1 mile. I now find that I want to exercise every day. It makes me feel good after. I was so exhausted the 1st day only walking 1/4 mile I had to take a 3 hour nap lol so stop putting it off and just do it lol.
  • MMarcordes
    MMarcordes Posts: 58 Member
    I sooo wish there was a way to bottle motivation... I'd buy it!!! I can tell you what works for me - I work out first thing in the morning. I've built up to actually waking between 4 and 4:30 everyday to get my workout in. If I even hit snooze once -then I've already started coming up with excuses as to why I can't workout. I didn't sleep well, I went to bed too late, etc. If I wait to work out until later in the day... I've already talked myself out of it before lunch. So - my advice is do it the very first thing in the morning - I had to really work hard at going to bed earlier so that I was still getting the right amount of sleep - but I've lost 55 pounds since January. And the thing that helps the most is getting my workout over with first thing in the morning. I eat better throughout the day, too because I don't want to waste the calories I burned :)

    Good luck - who knows what works for other people. I would just keep trying different things until you find what works for you.
    CFAITH_WARD Posts: 281 Member
    It sounds too simple but you have to just not allow yourself excuses.....Exercise makes the easier.....Ex if you want the treat...you better workout...Once you exercise for a couple of weeks you will feel the difference....I just feel better when I do it....more energy...sometimes it makes my headache go away...
  • scott24
    scott24 Posts: 132
    I can so relate to what you are saying. Exercise to me was watching sports on TV. Just a couple of things I've discovered in the past four months...

    1 - Do something you like. If you hate it, you won't do it. I started with walking and swimming. Sure, I'd like to run, but I HATE IT. Always have, always will (I think). The walking was short distances at first, then I've gradually increased to where I walk 3 miles daily during my lunch hour. Swimming started out with just a lot of treading water in the deep end, to actually having the endurance to swim laps.

    2 - Start slowly. If you go at it too fast too soon, you will burn out and it will be a negative experience. You will see quick results even by going in moderation, then let those victories inspire you to do more.

    3 - Don't be afraid to eat. You need the energy. If you starve yourself, you won't want to do anything! I find that I eat light, and eat OFTEN. I've broken up my food log into breakfast, am snack, lunch, PM snack, dinner, and finally late snack. I don't recommend late snack, but it helps keep reality - if you eat something late you need to log it. You shouldn't hide it somewhere else. It is what it is.

    4 - Don't get discouraged. As you get in a week, then a month - it all gets to be more fun and less dreadful. And if you have a bad day there are tons of us out here to help out.

    Welcome, and best wishes! You WILL succeed!!!!
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Enough procrastination. Let's take a quick walk. I'm at work and I'm taking one right now. Lunch walk! Let's go!
  • your first problem is that you're making excuses for yourself. and yeah sure we've all been there (i still use the "its hot out" one...but then again i live in TX and its way too hot here) but you need to get out of that habit. "i'm too heavy" should become "i'm too heavy NOT to exercise, i need to lose this weight!" and "i have a thyroid issue" should become "shut up stupid thyroid you're not the boss of me!". you CAN do it, yes its hard, but i know you can.

    if you're having a hard time exercising because its "no fun" and "boring" and "haaaard!" find a way to make it fun! personally i dance (as the screen name would imply). it doesnt feel like exercise because i'm just having fun. sure the fun i'm having tends to wear me out but it still doesnt feel like exercise. find something that you find enjoyable, maybe even your favorite semi active thing to do.....and figure out a way to make it even more active. it wont feel like exercise but sneakily it will be! :D

    good luck! i know you can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • buffalogal1979
    buffalogal1979 Posts: 236 Member
    Thanks for posting this. I needed a little motivation today too, and everyone's responses were just right.
    Here I go....
  • noturninback
    noturninback Posts: 96 Member
    I have to agree with getting your workout done first thing in the morning. Then it is done, over with, and out of the way! Set mini goals and work up after that!

    You will feel so much better! You can do it!
  • bmq98
    bmq98 Posts: 78
    Hi everyone,
    thanks for your replies - they were motivational and helpful. I procrastinated, posted here, and am happy to report that I just posted my 25 min. stationary bike workout to my exercise. I am going to work to become an early bird and get my exercise done as soon as possible!

    Thank you all again - You were a great help :smile:

    Yours in the quest,
  • kendra1976
    kendra1976 Posts: 90 Member
    don't make excuses just do it. I work out during my lunch hour at work. I don't make excuses, I just go. I do it for myself.. for my future!
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