Looking for friends who are maintaining.

I've lost 55-57lbs since May (depending on how many cookies I've eaten that day) and am currently in the maintaining stage of my weight loss. I've managed to stay between 131-135lbs for a couple of months now. I'm not a clean eater. I do Insanity and run. Just looking for friends that are also maintaining. :)


  • I've sent you a request :) Currently maintaining at 135 but looking to build some muscle and drop my body fat % so may indeed change my cals as needed. I also don't eat super clean
  • Cyan99
    Cyan99 Posts: 84 Member
    Hey ^.^
    I'm new to this online fitness thing (new as in today new), I consider myself pretty fit as is, so yeah I guess I'm maintaing... I'm also a runner, and not a "clean eater" :P Wanna be friends? It'll be nice to connect with someone who's been doing this a while :))
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    Pretty sure we're the same person... just sent you a request!
  • fougamou
    fougamou Posts: 200 Member
    I also sent you a request -- I have been maintaining since November. It has some surprising challenges.

    Others should feel free to add me as well.
  • Friend me too everyone! I'm also maintaining between 130-135. I started lifting heavy recently (Chalean Extreme) to build some extra muscle. I don't consider myself a "clean" eater but try for healthy choices.
  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    sent some friend requests out…. I have been maintaining for almost a year, ideally would have liked to be a few lbs down but I think my body is at its happy place. I do eat clean, high protein, moderate carbs and am celiac so no gluten.

    I would love as much support as possible.
  • AHelmig
    AHelmig Posts: 1 Member
    I'm maintaining too! I've been in the range of 132 to 127 for the past year. I got down to 125 at the end of cycling season in 2013. I used to weigh152 pounds at my heaviest (I'm 5'6 if that helps) and I got down to 132 or so in about six months. I've found maintaining to be much easier than losing!! I'm currently 25.9% body fat and 130.1 lbs, but I'm hoping to get my body fat percentage down to 22% at a minimum before May. And my goal is to be at 18% by the end of cycling season this year. I'm starting to lift weights four times a week with two days of cardio. I'm not sure how to start working on changing my body composition but I'm hoping this new regimen will help :)