Weekly Accountability

bossymommy Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I am really interested in starting up an online group of people who have 40+ to lose and who feel they could benefit immensely from some accountability. Entities like Weight Watchers and personal trainers and such offer regular accountability, but they are EXPENSIVE! This group would be FREE!

I'd like to start a group with people who are serious about this weight loss business but who feel they simply cannot succeed without having to answer to someone! I am one of those people.

My idea is that I would start a blog, and anyone who was involved in the group could post. This would include their weekly weigh-ins, as well as any thoughts/ideas/helpful tips they'd like to share with the group to help us all along our journey. To keep accountability honest online, we would step on the scale, snap a picture of the numbers on the scale, and post it as our weekly weigh in.

Who's with me? It's easy and it's free!

p.s. I am not doing this for any sort of personal gain (no pun intended). My only reasons for doing it are to make myself accountable to others without having to spend a ton of $$ to do it. So I guess the only thing I gain, if this works, is LOST fat!

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