Great new resource on nutrition (not an ad)

My wife and I have started a blog focused on diet and nutrition (along with exercise). We're hoping to give people a much better understanding of macronutrients and ways to find the best diet methods for their goals without compromising their long-term health. I want to continue to focus articles on questions from readers, so please leave comments or email us! The site is and I hope you find it useful. It's all free information, recipes, etc.

We're not making money from the site, so I'm hoping this isn't considered an advertisement - I just want to spread the word about the site! I am hoping this way I can reach a bigger audience than I do with personal conversations in the gym and grocery store. We get a lot of great questions from a lot of people, and it seems like putting things together in a blog has been useful. We're only about a month into it, so please let us know what you think! We have a facebook page too ( if you want to like it and help spread the word! I really want this to be a resource for anyone interested in a healthier approach to fitness - from competitors and physique athletes to new moms or folks who have never picked up a weight or read a food label!

Mike Sracic, MD, MS


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    Carry on great conversations here by just dropping in and checking out some of the questions that newbies ask. While I have many clients at the gym, I still come here daily to interact with the community and swap ideas and philosophies from other professionals in the business.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition