At a Plateau... And I just started!



  • Karen64Lynn
    Karen64Lynn Posts: 32 Member
    Good idea on having a notebook in the kitchen - because most likely those of us that are struggling are really eating and consuming more calories than we think. It all adds up!
  • smitty3694
    smitty3694 Posts: 4 Member
    I know what you mean about a plateau and losing motivation. I've been there a hundred times. But so far with this mfp it is so easy and I have stayed motivated. lost 6lbs in 2 weeks and some days I go up and then next day I go down. Stayed the same for about 3 days. I am so determined to complete this journey that reading these posts have helped. I eat just below 1500 calories a day and weigh every morning before anything else. Hope I have helped you with motivation, cause I know how hard it is.
  • fossn22
    fossn22 Posts: 10
    Ok I now understand that plateau was the wrong word to use here. What I should have said was that my weight loss is stalled. I do think there's some great discussion going on here, so keep it up! =) But I think we're past defining what a plateau is.
  • fossn22
    fossn22 Posts: 10
    WHOA!!! STOP!

    Lifestyle change does not mean cutting out the things you love. DIET means that. I couldnt have been successful cutting out the things I loved.

    No one can maintain a restrictive diet as a lifestyle forever. You must make room for the things you love. You just have to think about it differently and PLAN PLAN PLAN!!!.

    No you cant eat an entire row or two of oreos anymore. BUT if you really want some you coudl have 3! you have to stop EATING based on URGES and reteach yourself to eat based on needs not wants.

    If you want oreos plan it into your meal for the following day DO NOT give into that temptation.

    This is great advice! =) I think right now I'm wrestling with self control. It's hard for me once I have one of something I really want to stop there. I will take your advice about planning it into the next day. Thank you!
  • Chemburly12
    You might want to play around with your calorie intake. When I first started I set my daily goal to 1200 calories and my body REFUSED to lose any weight. After a few frustrating weeks I found a post that stated that some people just need more food to lose weight, so I up'ed it to 1680 and the pounds started melting off. I'm now around 1800 most days and when I exercise I eat back those calories. My body just needs more. It's weird, but it works.
  • fossn22
    fossn22 Posts: 10
    You might want to play around with your calorie intake. When I first started I set my daily goal to 1200 calories and my body REFUSED to lose any weight. After a few frustrating weeks I found a post that stated that some people just need more food to lose weight, so I up'ed it to 1680 and the pounds started melting off. I'm now around 1800 most days and when I exercise I eat back those calories. My body just needs more. It's weird, but it works.

    That's really interesting... I had never heard of that approach. Thank you for the advice! I've been trying to make it a point to not eat back the calories I burned, but maybe that's something I need to try. =) Thanks!
  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    Whatever you do, DON'T LOOK AT THE SCALE. It will hurt you and discourage you. Keep up what you are doing and after three weeks TRY THE SCALE. you'll be surprise. :)
  • sanfly
    sanfly Posts: 207 Member
    A couple of things:

    If you're asking for help on this you should probably open up your diary for others to view.

    Especially when you start, sometimes you're not all that accurate at logging your food. I would recommend weighing and measuring all food if you're not already.

    I try to log a day ahead on my food, and if I am going to add in anything extra (snacks or whatever) I log it BEFORE it eat it. That can sometimes make you think twice - ie: I'm only going to have one biscuit, not 3, or actually I don't need that at all, or I can have it but I'm going to have to add 20 min to my exercise to make up for it. Logging as much of your food ahead of time means you can plan in your higher calorie foods, takeaways, alcohol whatever, account for it and make choices about portion size and what you eat for the rest of the day - but still have the foods you love.

    Beware the exercise calorie counts on MFP (or on exercise equipment at the gym) - they are often high and inconsistent between different exercises. I would recommend a Heart Rate Monitor - then at least you can be consistent and see what works for you in terms of loss or maintenance. Keep this in mind when eating back exercise calories - there is a lot of debate here whether or not you should or not and its up to you to figure out what works for you but just remember if using MFP exercise database calorie burns, you may want to only eat back a portion of your exercise cals, rather than all to allow yourself some buffer.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    1 be patient
    2 weigh your food
    3 fuel your body properly - i eat back at least 1/2 exercise calories
    4 this should be something you can do long term, healthy life style not a diet
    5 find an activity you enjoy
    6 never quit, if you fall pick yourself up

    Not being fit is hard, being fit is hard. Pick your hard.
  • dixoncrew
    dixoncrew Posts: 186 Member
    Definitely not a plateau :)

    If I were you I would eat back my exercise calories and add in strength training.

    Don't get discouraged, it takes time to see change!

    Good luck!
  • Sharonmdenham
    Sharonmdenham Posts: 163 Member
    I've been looking at your food diary and your water consumption is 0, are you not drinking enough fluids to give your organs what they need before trying to lose weight? Or are you just not posting the water consumption?Water consumption is needed to lose weight, it not only hydrates your organs but is used as an appetite suppressant. Let's break this plateau and get you going faster than the five or six weeks, you shouldn't have to wait!