Friend Search

Are you looking to add friends? Post your ideal friends and what you're looking for. Maybe we can find each other!

Ideally I'm looking for friends who are youngish, have a little to moderate amount of weight to lose, and are interested in eating clean. Also if you're someone who tries to squeeze in workout moves into a busy schedule or if you're trying to live healthy but work in a cubicle like me I can use all the tips I can get.

Also if you like pina coladas… :bigsmile:


  • I am looking for someone who will encourage me to stick with my portion control. I cannot do much exercise at the moment, so I need to eat healthy and carefully.

    I am in my 40s and mainly need all the support I can get.

  • I think it would be great to have friends that actively use MFP! I have friends off and on... so it always feels like I'm alone :cry:
  • Looking for friends aged 19-35 ish. Aiming to lose 40 pounds or more. Anyone who I can relate to or will keep me motivated? :)
  • Slk351
    Slk351 Posts: 3 Member
    Looking for friends who log in every day and try to stick to the calorie goal.
  • HI am 36 mum of 2 kids looking to lose just over 1stone on here everyday trying to fit exercise into everyday as well as trying to stick to the calories please add me x
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    31 and one of the dirtiest eaters in the neighborhood. Actually, no, just kidding during the week I tend to eat veggies, chicken and other various meats, and not so much processed. During the weekends? All bets are off, and I have been known to go over goal by a very significant amount from time to time. We won't get along too well if you're a stickler for perfection and can't handle someone that loves to pig out, as long as calories are at goal for the week. I strive for macros of 30/40/30 (carb/fat/protein), but still tend to be under on protein and over on carbs. Never have a problem with fat :laugh: :sad:

    If you're a runner that likes to do strength training, we might get along quite well. My running times are currently pathetic (can't seem to get under 15 min/mile), but one step at a time, I'm getting there. Wasn't too long ago I could barely do 3 miles an hour! I'm looking forward to a 5K in April, and have a goal of doing a 10K in the fall. For strength training, I'm doing NROLFW

    TL;DR: I'm friendly, don't bite too hard, love to eat, and love the gym! Hit me up if you're the same
  • Anyone, feel free to add me. I just started today and I'm the only one I know that is using this program so it'd be nice to buddy up for support!