Tips on hitting your macronutrient goals

Hey everyone! I sometimes see people on here who are really struggling to hit certain macros, whether it's carbs, fats, proteins, or just calories in general. I thought I'd share with you what I've found works the best so that my eating is on point (most of the time!)

1. Make meals in batches, entering the recipe into MFP as you go. When the dish is done, weigh it out and portion them in Tupperware. Freeze them if necessary or possible. Some things I like to make in batches: casseroles, stews, grilled chicken (cut up and refrigerated), breakfast egg muffins. I also like to pre-portion out a few snacks when I have time.

2. Pre log your meals! This is really important and the best way to make sure your macros are set. Since you've done some food prepping, you'll already know what you've got, so it'll be even easier. If this is confusing, here's an easy way to prelog meals:

-start with protein. Usually this is the number one area where people may fall short. Protein is very important for building muscle and staying satiated! I tend to go through each meal and enter in whichever protein I'll have for the day: eggs for breakfast, chicken for lunch, protein powder as a snack, fish for dinner, yogurt for dessert, etc... I add protein until my macros are where they need to be (maybe a bit under just in case I need to change something around or for trace proteins in other foods)
- if you're logging a big dish with combinations of all macros, just keep in mind what the dominating macronutrient is for that dish.
- then you can add other things that go with your protein: add in your carbs -- oats, vegetables, fruits, etc, and finally add in your fats last. You don't have to go in any particular order, though. If it's easier for you to add fats in first, or carbs, then do whatever is easier!
- lastly, leave some room for error or changes. Nothing is set in stone! I always leave a few hundred calories when I'm done prelogging so that I can have a snack if I like. I usually leave room for carbs and fats, since treats usually fill up those areas.

Obviously I am a huge advocate of planning meals out beforehand because it's what has worked best for me. It gives me peace of mind knowing that I am fueling my body properly without having to try and balance things out as I go along. I hope that this wasn't too confusing!

I am not saying that you HAVE to do this to be successful, I'm just hoping that this may help someone who is confused about reaching their goals, and if I can help clear things up for just ONE person, then this post was totally worth it. Feel free to add me as a friend! I love to be a motivator and I want to see people succeed. Hope everyone's having a great day :)


  • ashzacher
    ashzacher Posts: 114 Member
    ^ What she said. Love everything about this. I make everything ahead of time, log it ahead of time, that way I know what I can fit into my macros and what I can't!
  • ciki90
    ciki90 Posts: 51 Member
    Shameless bump :p
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    I can't hit all my macros in the same day.
  • ciki90
    ciki90 Posts: 51 Member
    I can't hit all my macros in the same day.

    Have you tried this method? Maybe it'll work for you! You can add me if you'd like, or shoot me a message if you have any questions. I'd love to help as best as I can.
  • kweisman1
    kweisman1 Posts: 7 Member
    I have just started to count macros and this is extremely helpful. Quick question: What if you don't hit all of your macros? Is this the end of the world? I know a lot of this is trial and error, but this is difficult!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I can't hit all my macros in the same day.

    I typically don't either...

    Usually short on carbs but eh I don't care. If I hit my protien all is good, if I get really close to my protien all is good.

    And on the weekends..I need to tighten those up but have yet to get the motivation to do it.

    The OP has good points and I do prelog and spent a good 15mins tweeking today to get my protien in, along with Friday (dinner out) which isn't quite there yet.
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    I have just started to count macros and this is extremely helpful. Quick question: What if you don't hit all of your macros? Is this the end of the world? I know a lot of this is trial and error, but this is difficult!

    If you don't hit your macros throughout the day, you are likely not going to be optimally satiated for the number of calories you consume. If you consistently don't hit a certain macro, your body may be missing out on essential nutrition. As long as on average / over time you are hitting your macros, you will be fine - it's just a good way to ensure you are hitting all your bases ????
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I have just started to count macros and this is extremely helpful. Quick question: What if you don't hit all of your macros? Is this the end of the world? I know a lot of this is trial and error, but this is difficult!

    No it's not...protien for maintaining and repair muscle is my most important macro...I treat it as a minimum.

    Next is my fat as you need fat in your diet to ensure you can absorb micro nutrients etc.

    Carbs eh I don't care I get enough as I am typically not hungry except at meal time and me not hitting my carbs has not affected my weight loss goals.

    I personally am considering changing my macros to lower my carb intake and up my fat and protien as 45% carb for me is high.