Jillian Michaels Body Revolution

Anyone did Jillian Michaels Body Revolution?
I do all her workouts on rotation (30DS, Ri30, 6w6p, BFBM, NMTZ...).

Is it worth getting this workout (it's 90$)?
The description on Amazon says it has 3 levels, the first one being low-impact (i.e. Beginner workout?), is it at least as hard as 30DS?


  • merisaOct3
    merisaOct3 Posts: 197 Member
    I LOVE Body Revolution. I'm on my 2nd time through the program. It is 15 DVDs - 5 during the first month, 5 for the second month, and 5 for the third month. The first month is about the same as Levels 1&2 30DS, the second month is closer to Level 3 of 30DS, and the third month is $#!^& insane!

    I also liked Chalene Xtreme from Beach Body. It's also a 3 month program - much more strength/muscle-building focused than Body Rev or 30DS.
  • DebDesautels
    DebDesautels Posts: 22 Member
    I'm finishing Week 1 tomorrow. Overall, I think it's good. I've done some of her other workouts and I think this one starts out at a reasonable pace. I got pretty lazy for the past few months and bought this so I could workout at home and not have to fight for equipment at the gym until the New Year's rush settles down. It was offered through Amazon last week for $69.95 (I see the price is back up now). I was sore after the first two days but better now. I might stretch out the timeframe and not move on to the second set of DVDs until I feel ready. I previewed some of the 3rd month workouts and they look like they're pretty killer - I might need some extra time! The first week was a strong reminder that I'm not 24 (or even 34) any more.

    The first level is pretty low-impact and modifications are offered as needed. There's a nutrition aspect to it as well that I'm loosely following, although I didn't do the 7-day "kick start" program. It has you do the circuit training and the cardio DVDs both every day and a fairly restrictive diet. I just started with the regular program. There are some decent recipes included and some good recommendations.

    All in all, I think it was worth the price I paid for it - after finishing the 12 weeks, I'm sure I'll still go back and repeat most of the workouts. They're fast-paced and it feels like you get a lot of work in over a quick 30 minutes. Good luck!
  • kete05
    kete05 Posts: 13 Member
    If you have been doing other JM workouts consistently then the first 2 weeks (maybe month) should be pretty easy. It definitely compares to 30DS but it gets ramped up in the last month. Like a lot! I tend to lift a little heavier than she recommends for beginners and do some of the "harder" moves. Sometimes I will do my own thing for cardio cause I get bored with the same tape over and over. But the actual strength workouts offer a good amount of variation. I quit for awhile and did nothing. Now going back I am sore and panting through the workouts. But overall I love it and I saw great changes when I did it about a year ago. I am hoping I can actually complete the program this time around and really get some of those amazing results!
  • RockabillyHellKat
    RockabillyHellKat Posts: 18 Member
    I'm finishing up month one and so far I really love it!