Back at it!

My name is Angel and I'm recommitting to counting my calorie intake/output. In January 2012 I started at 142.5 and got down to my goal weight of 125 and ran a half marathon. :smile: I was able to maintain for over a year without tracking. Since then I started grad school, dealt with a deployment (I'm a Navy wife :love: ), and am midst quitting smoking... again. I gained about 10 pounds when my husband came home from his last deployment and we had a few other changes. I've been telling myself I can lose it by not tracking, but it's been a few months and I haven't yet. I know tracking works, so I'm recommitting! I'm day four of paleo eating and quitting smoking. I'm hoping to lose weight while quitting smoking... I'd love some pals to stay motivated with!!!!


  • rusillygrl
    rusillygrl Posts: 2 Member
    I am also trying to get back at it myself. A few years back I lost a lot of weight but it has crept back on and I know it won't get better if I don't start tracking everything again.

    I used to run a lot and want to get back at that as well so I can complete my first half marathon. I would like to reach that goal this year but without losing some of the extra weight I can't see that happening.

    I haven't read much about paleo but do know some people who eat that way.

    I have a lot more to lose than you but wish you the best on your journey!