
Hi, guys.
I need help.
I've reached 51.8 kg (112lb) and i'm deteriorating.
I just serached my recommended daily calorie intake and apparently should be consuming approximately 1,800 (on average) to maintain my weight..
I've been finding it impossible (mentally, really) to consume 1,200, let alone that much!
I know i'm killing myself!
Sorry and thanks.


  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member

    It is great that you know you need help and are reaching out.

    If you're in college, a lot of schools have free counseling so definitely look into that.

    It is going to take a lot of work to get to that 1800 calorie goal. Try increasing your intake by 50 cals every 4 days or so until you get there. If you think you can't eat that much, try drinking them in smoothoes or milk. Eat nuts and other calorie dense foods
  • FFfitgirl
    FFfitgirl Posts: 369 Member
    Up it slowly. Do 1300 for a week. Then up it to 1400. I've struggled. With eating disorder and finally over coming it. Finally figured out that my body needs energy to function and power through workouts.
  • Slasher09
    Slasher09 Posts: 316 Member
    I think that it is awesome that you are trying to make a positive change. As someone who had an ED for 13 years I know what you are doing is not an easy thing at all.

    I find what helps me the most is to focus more on the positive reasons to eat a certain food. For example when I eat an avocado I think about how the potassium will help fight muscle cramps from the workout i did and how there are lots of nutrients packed in (rather than thinking about the cal/fat count) Eating a variety will help your body get the nutrients its been literally starving for. Healthy fat sources will help your hair/skin look and feel amazing and will help your energy levels and mood. Salmon has omega 3's that can help fight depression. Etc Etc.

    I agree with another poster that you should look into some counseling. Its one thing to have a restrictive diet, but an eating disorder usually has underlying reasons (theres some benefit that you get mentally from doing this.) Counseling can help you make a full recovery- not just a physical one, and to stay recovered.

    I wish you all the best- feel free to message me anytime