Reccomend your scale

mrsf17 Posts: 32
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
So I would love to say my scale is broken and that I've lost 10 lbs and not 3, but in all seriousness something about it is not quite right. Every time I step on (even if only seconds apart) I get a different number. It varies from like.2 lbs to almost a whole one... this frustrates me.

So I don't have a ton to spend but would love your reccomendations for a reliable scale.



  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I went through 3 scales before I found the one I love. The first three didn't give me the number I wanted to see, so I returned them. :laugh:

    I got mine from Costco and I :heart: it. It's a Taylor something or other.
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    I have a weight watchers scale... I think it was 20-30 bucks... it tells you BMI, Water% Fat % and the same weight each time you step on even if it is 5 times in 1 min! :)

    I got it at Bed Bath and Beyond. I also know they are at Target.
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    I just bought a Taylor digital scale at Target. My old one wasn't digital and the needle was all wobbly depending on which way you were leaning or where your feet were located. I could get on and off and it would be POUNDS different.

    Anyway, the one I just bought was $30 on clearance for $20. I got on and off MANY times and it gave me the same number. I also weighed my daughter, and it was accurate based on her doctor appointment last week.
  • we have several scales in our home, one in each of the three bathrooms and they are all taylor. the one in mine does do the body fat with weight.
    i have always been happy with a taylor scale. i could not recommend others, b/c the others were just inexpensive and inaccurate.

    have you tried putting a weight on to see if it is correct? like a 8 - 10 lb hand weight?
  • I would love to know too, I have gone through 3 scales none accurate enough (plus one got broken because my 3yr old got a hold of it when i was not home and daddy just happened to not be paying attention)
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I just bought the Weight Watchers body fat scale from Bed Bath and Beyond too. It was $30 and I had a 20% off coupon. I'm really liked it so far, no complaints and it's nice to be able to track body fat now.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I wouldn't reccomend my scale, it keeps telling me I'm fat but not my boyfriend. Bed Bath and Beyond usually have a nice selection.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I bought one of those talking scales at Sears.

    I got on it this morning and it said "One person at a time, please."
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I just got this fairly cheap scale on Amazon:

    I've only been using it a few days, but it seems much closer to my doctors' scales than the one I was using before and it gives me the same weight if I get off then get back on. It's got an easy-to-read display and can be set to lbs., kg., or stone (which I was amusing myself with). I wanted one that would do body fat, etc., but those aren't terribly accurate and as I'm trying to get pregnant and they recommend against pregnant women using them, I thought this scale was a good, simple alternative (and now I'll probably never get pregnant because I took that precaution).
  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    I know what you mean - I bought a scale that has all the extras (body fat, fitness level, water percentage etc) but it shows me a different number even seconds apart. My boyfriend has loaned me his scales which are pretty reliable. They're glass Salter scales. The UNreliable ones are also Salter.

    My recommendation: buy Salter but stick to the glass ones.

    This is mine:
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    I bought one of those talking scales at Sears.

    I got on it this morning and it said "One person at a time, please."
    OH WOW That is so NOT funny!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Tell your scale I said SHUT UP!! oh lord!!
  • I really like my scale. I have had it about 3 months and never ever fluctuates weight. Very reliable and I have had a problem in the past finding a scale I like. Mine is a Taylor 7344. Good luck :)
  • Ok not to sound dumb, but those that have a scale that tells you body fat percentage, water percentage, etc... how does it know?
  • Ok not to sound dumb, but those that have a scale that tells you body fat percentage, water percentage, etc... how does it know?

    Conductivity. It passes an very tiny electric current from one foot to the other and figures it out based on resistance.
  • I bought one of those talking scales at Sears.

    I got on it this morning and it said "One person at a time, please."

    I wonder if your scale thinks that is funny?...Not much for motivation..LOL
  • Thanks!
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    My new one sounds like the aforementioned Weight Watchers scale that also tracks body fat, bone density, water, and bmi. I got mine at KMart - it was around $40? Something like that.

    I should have checked at BB&B - one of my friends works there and could have gotten it for me at a discount. Poop!
  • missboriken
    missboriken Posts: 52 Member
    I have the Tanita Model BC-534. Love it!
  • Mine talks screamed at me "GIRL....U JUST KILLED ME!!! GET OF & DO SOME CARDIO":laugh:
  • The only accurate scales are the balance beam types like the doctor uses. Anything else relies on springs or pressure pads and they wear out. I never bother with my scale. If I use it, it might be once a month at the most., and even then, I know that whatever it says isn't accurate. It just gives me an idea if I lost or gained.....the amount is irrelevant Besides, we all know if we've gained or lost, just be the way we feel or how our clothes fit. What matters more.....that you lost 50 pounds or that you look the way you want to look? If you look the way you want to look, does it matter how much you've lost?

    Oh, and BMI's and those doctors weight charts are a real joke, so don't bother with them. According to them, I should weight between 150 for my height and frame. The only way I could get down to that weight is if I didn't eat for two years and had all my organs removed. Heck at one time, I weighed 210 and I was so skinny, my ribs were sticking out and people thought I was anorexic.....and they expected me to lose another 60 pounds to have an ideal BMI?
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