Just Starting!

Hi, I'm so glad all you guys are here, too!
I'm looking forward to chatting and sharing and getting thin!
Finally. :)


  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    this is a great site. you will find alot of info, motivation and encouragement. Be sure to keep track of your food and exercise daily. You can do this, Just do it one day at a time
  • Hayhun0709
    Just started on the website,but i've been dieting for a while the best i could...So far since 8-1-09 I've lost 35 lbs after baby #2..Looking to loose 23 more to put me back where i was before baby #1...So far I've cut out soda and sugar snacks.I will have one treat of both once a month. Its done me pretty good so far!..But now i need to work on eating healthier meals everyday!..Wanna get into that santas helper outfit this year(hubbys gonna be santa) :0)...O and i do have my coffee every morning with sugar I KNOW but i cant give that up!
  • MartyD4u
    I just started Today, My doctor yelled at me yesterday. So I am gonna embrace this calorie counting culture. I've always shunned away from you wackos cause it aint no way I'm gonna do dat, count calories and spend too much time reading the back of food jars and cans, no way not me. Well I am chewing on those words now. At 59 and 335 I am up against the wall. I didn't want to join some cult or anything like dat, and I hate getting on some stupid email list. So this website seems to be a no noncense site so here goes. If anyone want to try and become a friend I will keep an open mind about it all. See what happens..