Runners Trots-- I can't be the only one!

Usually about 4 miles into my run, the stomach cramps/runners trots hit, and can quickly ruin my long distance run long before my legs poop out (pun intended).

Does any one else have this problem, and how have you fixed it? What changes in your diet did you make? I make sure not to eat or drink caffeine for a few hours before the run; I warm up and stretch; I am well hydrated throughout the day.

I have gone from not being able to run a single mile to 6 miles, and currently working towards a half marathon. I REALLY don't want this problem to continue and stop me from achieving my goal (or force me to run inside/on a treadmill which i despise).

Thank you for any advice! I know this is not the most fun or polite conversation to have!


  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Not my problem, but there are ways to fix it

    1) go ahead and have that coffee. Get things moving and over before you go
    2) cut down of fiber the day before. Its usually what you eat the day before, and not the day of that causes this
    3) keep away from greasy or overly fatty foods (spicy foods too) the day before

    Start experimenting with changes in your diet the day before, and see what works. Keep in mind, most races will have bathroom stops along the way, so its not like you can't do it, it just sucks to have to stop.
  • trn4hungergames
    trn4hungergames Posts: 7 Member
    I did what you said, and set a personal record of 8 miles today with no stomach problems.

    Thank you for your help!
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Glad I could help, and congrats!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Something that's worked well for me is to make sure my system is fully emptied out prior to running.

    Fully emptied out. I might eat a small stinger or a gu if I'm going more than say 5k.
  • ashzacher
    ashzacher Posts: 114 Member
    I ran my first half marathon last May and "trotted" the entire way. I'm not kidding. Embarrassing!

    I have gas problems as it is, but I found that eliminating most dairy a few days before helped (I'm sensitive to dairy in the stomach as it is though). I also cut down on fiber and tried to empty myself out beforehand. Congrats on your 8 miles!!
  • LouSmorals
    LouSmorals Posts: 93 Member
    I have to go before I go, otherwise the *urge* kicks in within the first mile-nearly 100% of the time. I am lucky, I live in a neighborhood where they are building a number of houses so there are porta-potties around. Without those ... would not be fun. For AM runs, I drink a lot of coffee, helps things loosen up before I head out the door.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I have a walmart built into my run for just this reason. :happy: