This time it'll work:)

Hi Everyone! i am a momma of 2 and a stay at home mom. this is my second time going at this (but my hundred and something time trying to diet) and i'm really hoping to stay motivated this time. I have an awesome husband, who, of course, loves me no matter how i look, but being at the highest weight ever is really affecting ME. I want to feel better about myself and happier with myself. i have no energy most days and can cry over almost anything. I just want to be proud of myself. I need some motivating friends:) and in turn i want to motivate people as well. so if you're looking for a friend please add me and hopefully i can keep going in the right direction this time:) the first time i signed up on here i didn't bother looking in the community for friends and maybe that's where i went wrong. i kept everything to myself because in all honesty i am ashamed of being fat. this time around i want to make friends and let people see that i can lose the weight and get healthy again. I can do this:)