I'm the curvy friend when I don't want to be...

It's my first time posting on the forum. I am 5'5 and weigh 140 lb. I totally understand that it's a healthy weight but I want to be smaller. I feel like I've tried for years now to be in the 120s, even low 130s. I have no specific goal weight, but I feel like I want to be in that range. For 16 weeks, I ate at 1500 calories a day and lifted heavy weights 3x a week. I only lost 6 pounds and while I felt more tone, I was not pleased at all. I've always had larger hips and thighs when I'd rather have them smaller. I gave up last semester and hardly worked out. Now, I am getting married in September and I really want to lose 10-15 pounds by then.

I am hoping to jog 5-6 times a week and eat around 1700 calories a day. I really want to focus on losing fat. I hope it works.

If anyone has any advise, that would be great. I hear the last 10-15 lbs are hard to lose and I'm worried that I'll waste my time.