Losing a pound a day

Hey fitness pals. :)

Add me to the list of those returning after a while...

Back when I was around 14 I gained a ton of weight following my parents' divorce. It was very difficult and stressful for me - I was at my highest weight ever during that time, which was 170 lbs. I decided to make a change, became vegetarian, and started eating healthier. My goal was 130, because I never believed I could surpass that, and I actually got down to 115. I was very happy at that weight, but I'm 20 years old now, and since I started college a couple years ago, I've gained back up to 130. I'm not happy with my weight anymore, and my clothes are fitting me differently, so I'd like to get back to where I was.

I started eating healthier and working out three times a week doing cardio and light strength training for roughly an hour each time, and I've been losing a pound a day (currently at 126). I feel fine (and healthier, in fact) than I did when I was still "holiday eating," but I'm worried about losing weight at this pace. I currently just eat something small when I'm hungry and that keeps me satisfied, I'm not really having any cravings or anything, and I don't want to end up overeating. I also drink a lot of water.

Few things about me:
- Vegetarian (6yrs)
- Diagnosed with PCOS at 18
- Relatively active work life on the two days I don't go to the gym
- Many, many health problems run in my family
- Lactose Intolerant

Anyone have advice?