Can I eat anything to reach my daily 1000 cals?

Sorry if this sounds naive, but I've only just started calorie counting and don't really understand it. I'm trying to keep it to 1000 cals a day. I've written down the calorie content of all my favourite low-fat foods but I love meat, which is high calorie typically compared to veg.

Firstly if I take a vitamin tablet to make sure I get all my essential daily vitamins, iron, zinc, etc. Could I just eat one steak that comes in at 900 and still lose weight? Conversely, could I eat a massive tonne of vegetables so that my stomach feels it's going to burst, that only comes to 600 calories and still lose weight?

Obviously the above two examples are extreme, but I'm trying to get my head round it all. IE/ a Mars Bar is apparently 390 calories, but a large baked potato is the same. Does it make a difference which I eat if I'm still under my daily calorie allowance?

Thanks for any insight and help.



  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Same response as your other post, why would any full grown adult man choose to eat 1000 calories a day. Good luck with that.
  • graceire
    graceire Posts: 323 Member
    You're a 39 year old guy and you're trying to keep it to only 1000 calories a day?? Why on earth would you torture yourself this way exactly?

    To put it in perspective, I'm a 42 year old woman who eats over 1800 calories a day and I'm losing nicely.
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    If you are trying to starve yourself skinny, then it might work.

    I recommend doing some more reading before coming up with your calorie allotment for the day. The sexy pants thread is a good place to start.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member

    Read this it might help you and anyone that you will be around, because on a 1000 calorie a day diet they will be miserable dealing with you.
  • zealey77
    zealey77 Posts: 104
    @jWhited71 Do you actually have an answer to my question though, or do you just post negative comments?
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Do you actually have an answer to my question though, or do you just post negative comments?

    If your only goal is weight loss, than yes as long as you are in a calorie deficit you will lose weight. Not negative just realistic and 1000 calories a day is not realistic.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    @jWhited71 Do you actually have an answer to my question though, or do you just post negative comments?

    What negative comments? I can only see people asking why you're doing what you're doing, and showing concern for your well being....
  • zealey77
    zealey77 Posts: 104
    Yes, my only goal is quick weight-loss in the short term. I was told that to lose weight quick I needed to at least halve my daily calorie intake. (I read that normal man needs 2000 cals a day to maintain weight).

    I want to lose 3 stone by end of March, then plan to maintain through more exercise and more sustainable long term calorie intake.

    Is this bad information then?

  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    You can eat whatever you want as long as you are in a caloric deficit you will lose weight... that said, eating 1000 calories/day is not healthy for anyone to do. If you want to be extreme eat at least 1200 with a variety of foods so you are getting needed nutrients. I'd recommend at least 1500-1800 for a 39 year old man. You will still lose and you won't go insane and binge at that calorie allowance.

    Good luck!
  • lindsaymarcin
    lindsaymarcin Posts: 81 Member
    I have read a lot on here that you are never suppose to eat less than 1200 a day. Go by the number MFP has set for you. To answer your question about whether you can eat what you want...Yes you can! Some people say they eat ice cream everyday! I still enjoy cookies, cake, etc. just in moderation and it has to fit into my calorie goal and I make sure to drink lots and lots of water. I have went by the goal MFP set for me and I have lost 15 lbs in 2 months. It will take time to come off! Don't think by eating so few calories it will come off quicker because it won't!
  • merisaOct3
    merisaOct3 Posts: 197 Member
    Dear Zealy,
    Most nutritionists (which I'm not) would probably tell you that, no, not all calories are "created equal." You may want to consult with a nutritionist at your gym or with your doctor. Animal protein (like steak) is high fat and contains no fiber. You will want to maybe do some general research on basic nutrition to get an understanding of how much fat, sugar, fiber, protein, carbohydrates, etc. are recommended for your body weight, goals, etc.
    You may also want to incorporate another type of eating style (like South Beach Diet, Mediterranean Diet, paleo, etc) into counting calories, but this is something you will want to research to more fully understand.
    The bottom line is that there are "healthier" calories than others, in my opinion. Lean protein (like chicken, fish, shrimp, beans, tofu) and high-fiber veggies are going to better fuel most bodies than 900 calories of steak and candy bars.
    Good luck!
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    Yes and No.

    there was a study done by researchers regarding carb vs protein intake with two groups of women. Same # of calorie restriction, same duration, same conditions. Both groups lost the SAME amount of weight; however....

    carb group women ended up with noticeably more body fat % than the protein group %. Also, blood works showed that protein group = healthier.

    I'm too lazy to link the article but just type it up in google, it's easy to find.


    Basically, you will lose the same amount of weight regardless of what you eat, but your body composition will differ.

    More protein = you'll look leaner

    More carb = skinny fat
  • KnM0107
    KnM0107 Posts: 355 Member
    Yes you can eat anything. If you are in a deficit you will lose. At 1000 calories a day, I don't see how you could maintain much LBM.

    I am a 28 year old female and I am losing at 2500 calories. You are a 39 year old man and you are living on 1000 calories a day. Surely you could eat more and still lose without starving yourself.

    ETA: the 1200 calorie floor is for women, not men...
  • Rak0ribz
    Rak0ribz Posts: 177 Member
    Yes, my only goal is quick weight-loss in the short term. I was told that to lose weight quick I needed to at least halve my daily calorie intake. (I read that normal man needs 2000 cals a day to maintain weight).

    I want to lose 3 stone by end of March, then plan to maintain through more exercise and more sustainable long term calorie intake.

    Is this bad information then?


    3 Stone (or 42 pounds) in 10 weeks is going to be _really_ hard to pull off. When I started out losing weight, I was shooting for a 1.5 pound a week caloric deficit - I'm a pretty big guy (although a good bit smaller now than I was then), so I was able to maintain that deficit comfortably. I'd suggest trying to lose no more than 2 pounds per week, as you'll be a lot happier in the short term (because you won't be starving) and in the long term (because you'll probably succeed).
  • zealey77
    zealey77 Posts: 104
    Ah ok, I'm starting to get it now. Thanks. Surely though the less calories you eat, the faster your body burns up its fat stores though to lose weight? If I'm meant to eat 2000 cals a day to stay the same weight, then surely only cutting out 200 as some people suggest to a daily 1800 means I WILL lose weight, but very, very slowly? Am I being thick?
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Yes, my only goal is quick weight-loss in the short term. I was told that to lose weight quick I needed to at least halve my daily calorie intake. (I read that normal man needs 2000 cals a day to maintain weight).

    I want to lose 3 stone by end of March, then plan to maintain through more exercise and more sustainable long term calorie intake.

    Is this bad information then?

    I'm assuming the statement for "quick weight loss" referred to half of you current intake, not half of what you are supposed to be eating. If you had gained weight, I'd assume you were eating far more than 2000 calories.

    That said, it's a horrible way to calculate calories. Many people throw around "don't eat less than 1200 calories", but that's for very small females, and the community overwhelmingly thinks that is too slow.

    Very low calorie diets lead to loss of hair, muscle mass, etc. Long term, if you reduce muscle mass, you reduce your calorie burning potential, so over time you have to eat less and less food to lose weight. In addition, your heart is a muscle, and very long term low calorie intake can cause heart problems (it's not uncommon for someone who has been struggling with anorexia for a long time to have a heart attack).

    Take a read of the sexy pants link. It is a great link with lots of good advice. While you might have a goal that is short term, you will likely not like how your body looks once you get there if you try this method. And that's if you don't have long stalls where you don't lose any weight at all. It's not a race. You didn't gain it quickly, and it's best to not try to lose it quickly.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Ah ok, I'm starting to get it now. Thanks. Surely though the less calories you eat, the faster your body burns up its fat stores though to lose weight? If I'm meant to eat 2000 cals a day to stay the same weight, then surely only cutting out 200 as some people suggest to a daily 1800 means I WILL lose weight, but very, very slowly? Am I being thick?
    Yes, you're being thick, and not reading some of the links. You aren't "meant to eat 2000 calories" someone your age who is fit and not doing a lot of exercise is supposed to eat 2000 calories. If you weigh more, you move around more weight, and you are "supposed" to eat more to maintain your weight.

    To lose weight, you need to eat less than what you need to maintain your current weight. So you need a deficit from that, not what you should eat at your "perfect weight" (nevermind that it ignores heavy exercise).

    Another good link about why a bigger deficit isn't better, especially if you plan on exercising:
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    So I might be slightly cranky today, I was sick yesterday and ate 1000 calories, and didn't even eat my daily ice cream. On a normal day I eat between 1600-2000 calories a day and have lost a little bit of weight in a year.

    Find out what your BMR and TDEE are and set some realistic goals, 42 pounds in 10 weeks not very realistic.
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    If you eat a Mars Bar, you'll be hungry again more quickly than if you had a baked potato. Probably.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Ah ok, I'm starting to get it now. Thanks. Surely though the less calories you eat, the faster your body burns up its fat stores though to lose weight? If I'm meant to eat 2000 cals a day to stay the same weight, then surely only cutting out 200 as some people suggest to a daily 1800 means I WILL lose weight, but very, very slowly? Am I being thick?

    My maintenace is 2000 calories and I am a 41 year old you really think the same applies to a 39 year old man???? REally? So yes you are being for thinking 2000 is the number for everyone to maintain...

    A man should eat no less than 1800 calories a day. And if you do that with diet alone you will also lose muscle along with the fat. As well why so much so fast? if it was that important you should have started March 2013...

    With less then 50lbs to lose the healthy way is 1lb a week...then closer to goal you lower that to 1/2 a week so a year would have done it.

    To lose weight you need a calorie deficet...the bigger the deficet the faster you lose weight, without exercise and adequate protien you lose muscle with the fat, and to top it all off you wont like what you see when you are at scale weight will be soft and squishy. And if you decide you want to exercise to build an ever bigger deficet you will be weak because you are not fueling your work outs.

    So you have a at a big huge deficet, lose lots of weight fast, be squishy and then probably gain it all back (wrong way) if you can maintain this for even 1month


    Eat at a reasonable deficet, eat enough protien, add in resistence training, lose about 1lb a week, maybe never reach scale goal weight but love what you see in the mirror and be strong and healthy and probably not gain it back because you did it in a healthy manner..unless of course you start eating too much food again. But after 1 year of hard work and dedication think you would do that..