Transfering to a different College

amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
Sorry this isn't fitness related. I have a meeting with my advisor at 11 and could use some insight.

Has anyone made the decision to transfer schools? Why and how difficult was it for you?

My dilemma is this:
I went back to school at 25 after 5 years off. I enrolled in Community College and mostly paid out of pocket. This resulted in me starting FROM SCRATCH for an Associates Degree.

Here we are 3 years later and I still have 9 more credits after this semester (I'm enrolled for 9 right now). Some classes are offered in the summer but the one that's required is not. I have a full time 9-5 job as it is so scheduling is very difficult.

The program (Communications and New Media) has mostly been hands-on design, website production and audio visual classes. I hate them. Having Adobe knowledge is a great skill but ultimately, I want to go into Marketing/PR. I want to SELL the product not MAKE it. This just isn't the right fit for me. I want to keep going until I have my Masters. The Associates is a stepping stone. With the Associates degree, I can transfer into a school as a Junior persuing my BA. Without it, I may have to take more classes which will take money and time. They would be the TYPE of classes I want so I don't really consider it a waste of time.

Should I transfer out now or stick it out for the Associates? Any advice would be great! I feel very stuck and I'm unhappy.