where do i begin anyone with Lupus have any tips?

Hi :)

I'm marzie,

25years old studying and working :)
i love music and dance but have a big weakness for anything sweet
I have recently diagnosed with Lupus and really just want to do something to make me feel better :(
I don't know what the future and even though I can control whats happening I just want to try something to avoid the pain and attacks

so why not be healthy if you in a similar position I would like to speak to someone as I don't even know if I am doing this right :)

any tips on changing my diet or how to keep fit would be appreciated




  • Tabitha1908
    Tabitha1908 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Marzie,

    I also hve lupus. SLE type. Was diagnosed in December 2010. And it's been a struggle- learning my body, figuring how to keep weight down and knowing what causes flares. It's been a challenge. My hardest part is committing to a healthy and anti inflammatory diet. There is so much research on leading an anti inflammatory diet to reduce the symptoms of lupus.

    I think the best thing is having a group of family and friends that understand ( that's really important bc we go through some pretty tough things) and learning to listen to your body (that I'm still learning). I've learned that I can't do a long strenuous workout or I'll be in bed for a couple days. So as I'm starting out I plan to keep workouts minimal and just get my body back moving. Probably 20-25 min 2-3 times a week.

    Hope this helps :)
  • struggletodiet
    struggletodiet Posts: 149 Member
    Hello and welcome to myfitnesspal, sometimes can be though nut you can draw strength from friends and family tgst you surround yourself with. All the best