Small Rural Northern Town Challenges

I felt fat until I started losing weight. Summer 2013 hike a local park trail, top of the mountain felt like I could I had a heart attack, huffing and puffing close to 240 pound, was no way to live. Depression, grief and emotional eating were only a few of my challenges . Not ready to give a 100 percent just yet, and still using excuse and excuse not to start living a healthier lifestyle, i very lightly dip my toes into these foreign water of HEALTHY LIVING. I faced a mountain of bad habits.

Here and there i have hopped online and been overwhelmed with all the information, downloaded a few books read a few pages, lets just say i did sprint out of the starting gates :) I started with the little things,having breakfast in the morning, protein shakes giving up junk, cutting out sugar, less bad cards, quit eating anything form a box, limit the evening eating out. Committed to a aqua fitness boot camp :) and today finally starting to fall in love with the gym even looking forward to 6 am gym time just to get them out of the way :) Signed up for a FUN not fit 5K but a fundraiser for cancer Dirty girls run 5k in august figure it something to work towards. So with all these little changes I have been able to drop the 40 pound and now just under 200.

I decided to work in commit to a clean eating diet, whole grains, plant strong, lean proteins, that seem to be slowing becoming my norm. Apps for the treadmill 30 min a day, today i really need to some strength training, my legs give out before my lungs, core strength, be able to do a 20 sec plank. I know thing wont happen over night , a little over whelming where to even start, what really consist of a real true work out day. Today im just happy to have made it too the 6 time this week, and able to jog for over a minute straight at 5 mile:) i havent added any other work out.

they say do dont it alone, in a small town like this even with it 400 people population, it hard to find a COMMIT ED fitness buddy, someone to share you milestone no matter how small they be. So here i am , I stumble across this on pintreset and thought what the hell, couldn't hurt to leave a post.

because today the day of my rest of my life, and i want to be fit and healthy and LIVE

BTW - Im am a Early childhood educator, works in daycare I need to be fit and able to chase the little guys around for a long long time.


  • raileneperkins
    raileneperkins Posts: 37 Member
    Hello, I grew up in small town Wyoming (pop. 97 at the time). So glad to hear you are taking the steps to get healthy! I would gladly be there to support you on your way.
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    I grew up in, and lived in, small towns up until my early 30s. I can testify to the fact that it is much more difficult there. Beyond just not having access to equipment, or not being able to find like-minded people, you are battling the entire culture. All of the small towns I lived in were all about the food. That's the down side of small, close knit communities. They bond over food. Usually food that is loaded with sugar or mayo. Sometimes both. I remember one of the towns I lived in there was a guy named Chris who ran almost every day. That's it. Just Chris. When I first moved in I was talking to a neighbor when he happened to run by and the neighbor said "That's Chris. He's the runner. Other than that he's pretty normal.". If it is at all in your budget, you may want to consider setting up a small home gym. That's the only way I was able to stick with it.