back again - for good?

here I am, trying to lose the weight again.
not really sure why it never works for me, something always happens.. I have a bad day and they say "F it all"
I started this weight loss thing back in 2010 after I had my daughter, I had gained 100 lbs with my pregnancy.
Now it's 2014, and I have only lost 10 of those 100 lbs.
So, with 90 to go I am going to do it.. That is my number one personal goal of this year.
I think it has finally set in that I am not doing so well with all this weight, I am not active any more.. I get winded easy.. I have no energy to do much of anything. My health is declining and I am only in my 20's.

21, Canada.. feel free to add me as a friend on here :)


  • jquiz526
    I think we all have those "F it all" days. I'm having one of those days today, but I'm staying strong so far! I'll add ya!