Athlete trying to lose :)

drewmmm Posts: 130 Member
Hello everybody!
I actually am an athlete but I compete in a rather stationary sport. I was always overweight but about a year ago I started (under the influence of money trouble) eating my worries away. That's when I became really big.
So for the sake of my health, athletic performance and my looks, I decided to do something about it a month and a half ago. I started with some light exercise (only basic stuff, things I could do in my bedroom like pushups, situps and squats). Then I started jogging a little and in the end (about 10 days ago), I started counting calories.
Results are already visible, and I couldn't be happier! I really started paying attention to the stuff I eat, choosing healthier food, and limiting my meals. Not to mention I got all competitive (with myself) about running. The best thing about it is that every day is a new victory! I started out slow, but now I am faster every day and I can run farther! I have more energy, I don't need as much sleep as I did before and I generally feel better! So, that's my story, for now... Good luck everyone!!