Mint Chocolate Chip Banana Ice Cream (vegan)

Dairy Free! Easy and Healthy! All you need is to freeze RIPE spotty bananas, and you can blend them and make ice-cream! I use a ninja blender for my banana ice-cream. The blades going all the way up make it easier to blend the frozen fruit.

I used 3 frozen bananas, 1 cup spinach, 2 tbsp cacao nibs, chia seeds, maca powder, 1/2 tsp mint extract, and topped with goji berries! Takes less than 5 minutes all together to make, and soo delicious. I never eat reg. ice cream ever again!



  • littlekitty3
    littlekitty3 Posts: 265 Member
    That looks good. I only have bananas, spinach, chia seeds and mint extract. Lets see what I can come up with on this one XD