Lack of Support...

Okay Well I hate that I have to write this cause I feel like a loser so please no negativity.... Me losing weight is really important to me. I am ready to succeed and work my *kitten* off to get there. One thing I feel that is detrimental is my lack of support system. Due to some personal reasons I have lost a lot of friends (toxic friendships) and ended up moving out of state. Since moving I haven't had a lot of luck meeting new people and forming friendships. Let me correct that I have met people but I go for quality over quantity. I know what a good friend is and nowadays a good friend is hard to find. Anyways to get to the point I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on support groups (online or in person) for people going through a weight loss journey or if you have any suggestions on how to meet people on a FRIENDLY basis with out the creepy factor.. lol just being honest. I don't mind divulging in this convo more incase someone once to get a better understanding of me.

Thanks :)


  • silenceinspace
    silenceinspace Posts: 142 Member
    I understand what you mean. A good friend is hard to find! I think I have a different kind of lack of support (there are people in my life who actively don't care about my efforts/are working to sabotage me). Both kinds are hard. I try to seek out dedicated people on MFP. A friend on here recently began criticizing the foods I ate, so I politely told her why I was deleting her and wished her luck.

    I think there are AA-style groups (Overeaters Anonymous, maybe?) but there has to be support groups out there.

    I found this site but can't speak to its quality.

    Either way, good luck! Weight loss is a hard and often lonely journey, so try to surround yourself with those who also want to lose weight/eat healthily.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    You can build up a support system on MFP (Add me if you want, I am usually very sociable as long as it is both ways) . The other way I found was to target an interest and join a class. I want to run a triathlon but couldn't swim freestyle so I went along to an adult class. Its great , not only because of the leader but also because I am doing something together with like minded adults. If you are interested in running try joining a running club or whatever. I think really it is just putting yourself in a physical location where there are similar people to yourself and I'm guessing things will spark up. Going back to MFP though, this works great bu my experience is that not everyone will be supportive even if they ask to be your friend . This is fine, its horses for courses. But I've also met some great people on here who I communicate with every day so its worth persevering. Good luck and I hope you find the support you need :-)
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    This seems to be a good place to start. I say seems because I have only be an MFP member for a few days but I've already made several friends so we will see how it goes. Weight Watchers is also excellent. I was a member for 2 yrs before finances forced me to quit. I lost 70 lbs with WW and made some friends along the way. Also you could look around for a gym with exercise classes to would interest you. Most people I've come across are really nice and they are there for the same reasons so there is no judgement and it is fun to have people to actually work out with. It may take several classes on different days and times but if you can go I am sure that in no time you will, at worst, burned a few calories, at best you will meet some really awesome people. You can add me if you like. I'm always looking for someone to share this journey with.
  • SugarLou57
    SugarLou57 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi Ashley, I think you'll find lots of free advise, helpful hints and tips but I don't know that you'll find true friendship here on a social network. I would encourage you to make conversation at your health club, work out spot even if it's just with the instructor or the person at the front desk, or the person standing next to you. Good luck with your self improvement, and always remember to take care of yourself first makes you better able to be a better friend, daughter, mate, parent, employee...... You are totally worth the effort.