Started 8 days ago

I just started using MFP eight days ago, and so far I am loving it. The only thing I am missing is some supportive friends whom I can support in return. I've tried dieting before, but I always seem to just fade out of dieting. I don't want to fade this time I want to get 130 lbs off and keep it off.


  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    I am glad to hear it's working for you.

    There are a lot of members who have been able to crank out numbers like your target weight loss. It is absolutely possible. You can do it. Seek them and heed their advice.
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Hi, welcome to MFP.

    I started using MFP (in earnest) in November of 2013. I'm having more success than I've ever had before using other methods. The site is fantastic for logging your meals and exercise and their are some truly supportive people here who are willing to share in support along the way.

    I'll send you a friend request and do what I can to cheer you along.
