Help! sometimes i feel like i am dragging through workouts.

Some days I feel great and get a great workout but other days I just feel like I am dragging through my workouts (zumba, dance, & water aerobics). I get so frustrated about it. Why does this happen? and what do I do about it?


  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    How many total calories are you eating?
  • crazyvermont
    crazyvermont Posts: 171 Member
    In addition to what you're many days do you work out. I realize convential wisdom says 5-6 days per week but body needs a break every once in awhile to recoup
  • I can really feel the difference if I don't get enough sleep or water
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Well hells bells, some days I'm just dragging myself to get TO them.

    As long as you show up and do something, consider yourself a winner.
  • Mandygring
    Mandygring Posts: 704 Member
    was a little low on my calories the other day. hmmm I will have to watch to see if that is whats going on. I seem to go through this almost once a week.
  • Mandygring
    Mandygring Posts: 704 Member
    try to work out about 4 days per week.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Intake is probably low overall is my first guess.

    Try eating before your workout or during.

    Get more sleep. Take rest days.

    I'm gonna guess it's the first thing though. Calories are energy. Not enough energy == crappy workout.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Some days I feel great and get a great workout but other days I just feel like I am dragging through my workouts (zumba, dance, & water aerobics). I get so frustrated about it. Why does this happen? and what do I do about it?

    Low energy happens. Today's workout was like that for me. It was a ****ing grind. Just keep going.
  • Mandygring
    Mandygring Posts: 704 Member
    If I could only get that workout high every time....well that you be awesome. lol
  • Followingsea
    Followingsea Posts: 407 Member
    Things to keep an eye on:

    *blood sugar pre-workout. How recently did you eat before the workout? What was it? How did you feel during the workout?

    *sodium intake last couple days. Have you been over, or under, or on target? If you work out heavily and don't replenish your sodium, you'll feel lackluster and woozy.

    *quality of rest last couple days. How well have you been sleeping? How easy is it for you to get out of bed in the morning?

    *overall "feeling" during the day. How are you doing apart from your workout? Tired, stressed, happy, winter blahs, content with life?

    Track those things to the best you can across the next couple weeks, then look back and see if there are any correlations between any of those factors and workout quality.
  • Mandygring
    Mandygring Posts: 704 Member
    that is very good advice. I will do that