I should say hi

I'm Dave. If you can't guess, my username has a very cryptic clue as to my location. I am looking to shed a bit of size that travel has helped me gain.

I'm two weeks today into cleaner eating, with seven pounds, and some size down already. I find it hard to get enough calories by eating healthy, but I am working on it.

I'm about to start T25 focus.


  • AestheticStar
    AestheticStar Posts: 447 Member
    Welcome. :)

    My ex-boyfriend has been using T25, & I believe he's lost 30 pounds, so it's effective.
    Good luck on the journey. You'll do it! :)
  • ladywizard43
    ladywizard43 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi Dave,
    Welcome to MFP! Congrats on your weight loss so far, and starting Focus T25.. I recently started P90X3, very excited and loving the workouts, and would love to help support you here! :)
  • mndavid
    mndavid Posts: 20
    Thanks for the greetings :)

    I am excited to not only start...but stick with this!
  • cindyfleetwood
    cindyfleetwood Posts: 5 Member
    what is T25?
  • napompl
    napompl Posts: 736
    Hey Dave Welcome to the club : ) Good luck! Let me know how you like the T25 I've been looking into it : )