dropped soda, started eating better+exercise=NO RESULTS



  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    I have dropped soda, sweet tea, most juices. I've been trying to eat smaller proportions/better foods when I can. I've been going to the gym, not to mention working 5+ hours on my feet constantly walking around as a waitress. Ive been doing this for the past month and a half and have only lost TWO measly pounds. I literally cried because I felt like all the hard work I've been doing has gotten me nowhere. Everyone told me dropping soda and stuff would alone let me drop a lot of weight. but it didn't. I thought I was just gaining muscle and maybe I was losing inches, but I haven't lost any of those either. Has anyone else experienced this? What got you through it? Because right now, I'm still pretty upset about it /:

    Weight loss is about calorie deficit, not cutting out soda or this food or that food. If you open your food diary then we can help you better.