friends for success to win the war!

hi my name is Kristi i'm twenty-one years old and i'm ready to beat the hell outta this goal!
i want to start with my goal weight of 52lbs!
but overall i have to lose a total of 87lbs!
i would love some friends along this hard but beneficial journey to health and self confidence!!
i'm ready are you!?!?! lets do this!!!


  • SCV34
    SCV34 Posts: 2,048 Member
    First of all, I love what your profile picture states! I am currently at 13 friends and would like to get off that unlucky number:wink: ! I am on here to keep track of my nutrition, exercise and fat intake not for weight loss. But, if you need or want some encouragement or just a kick in the fanny when you get off track then feel free to send me a friend request, no messaging required.
  • SCV34
    SCV34 Posts: 2,048 Member
    Just a little about me, I am 42 and my name is Sam, also known as Sammie.
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    Hi Kristi, I'm Keiralee or Keira for short and I'm also 21! I only have 17.1 lb to go in my journey but feel free too add me if you like!
  • missweightloss14
    missweightloss14 Posts: 8 Member
    thanks! i was looking for something motivating that i could look at! thanks for the support!